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January 26, 2021

The Collaborative Exchange – navigating the finance industry through all circumstances

The Collaborative Exchange runs some of the biggest events in finance in South Africa. But in addition to being an events organization company, the Collaborative Exchange also offers independent strategic advisory and retail implementation strategies for asset managers, investment platforms and wealth managers within the South African retail landscape. During the global lockdown period, they needed to ensure that the funds kept flowing. So where did they turn? Hubilo.

The Collaborative Exchange collaborating with Hubilo meant no money left on the table

Finances move fast. And if a finance company aims to stay at the industry forefront, it is imperative that they're nimble and move just as quickly. Unfortunately, the ripple effect of COVID-19 left many companies in a lurch, working to pivot and find ways to get their information out to their target audiences just as quickly as pre-pandemic times, minus the health concerns that came with large in-person gatherings.
“It was an in-person event that we had assets that needed to be converted into digital property within 36 hours (that spurned our initial search)... in so doing, we looked around the world to see where we could find a suitable platform, and we stumbled across Hubilo. We’ve since utilized Hubilo for a number of webinars. We’ve been ecstatic with the service ethic of the persons behind it; their ability to get things done, their flexibility to get things, their energy to get things done, and their timing to get back to us on factors that we require for application.”
Kevin Hinton
The Collaborative Exchange Director


South Africa




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