How to Design Compelling Event Sponsorship Packages

Updated on:
August 25, 2022
In this article

The time has come for you to plan another fantastic event! You may want to reach out to event sponsors to help with the funding of your event. Before you pitch your event to potential sponsors, creating event sponsorship packages will help to outline every detail of your event and what you expect from sponsors, as well as what sponsors can expect from your company. 

What Is An Event Sponsorship Package?

An event sponsor is an outside brand that helps to fund your event in exchange for a corporate benefit. These benefits may include brand exposure, generating leads and having access to guest data. Using an event sponsorship package will outline what is included in each package, so sponsors can see and choose which package fits best with their brand. Different package levels give your sponsors the opportunity to choose which level of sponsorship is right for them!

What Sponsors Look For In An Event Sponsorship Package

When creating your company’s package proposal, keep in mind that sponsors are going to focus on the ROI. They want to ensure that their funds are going to be used responsibly, but also that they are going to benefit after the event concludes. 

1. Clear Objectives & Goals

A sponsor for your event will want to know what the objectives and goals are for the event. Clearly stating the objectives will keep the lines of communication open; and the more communicative you are with your sponsor about what they’d like, you can tailor a sponsorship package to their needs! 

2. A Promising ROI

If an event sponsor is going to fund your event, they are likely going to want to interact with your guests, as they can potentially become customers. Event sponsors want a good ROI after sponsoring your event, and they should receive that! Being as clear as you can be with your expectations and the ROI they will receive during and after your event will benefit everyone involved! 

Benefits Of A Compelling Event Sponsorship Package

When your company gains an event sponsor, it will benefit both parties! Event organizers can see an increase in the budget for your event, and the sponsors can gain a new audience and market their brand even further. Event sponsorship is give and take between both companies, and when the objectives are clear, both parties are able to achieve their goals and get what they want! 

Sponsorship Package Benefits

Event Organizers Benefits: Sponsors Benefits:

Increased Budget Gain A New Audience

Full Event Funding Access To Guest Data

More Brand Exposure Lead Generation

Event Sponsorship Levels: What You Need To Know

Depending on the size of your event, you may have dozens, or even hundreds of sponsors. Each sponsor can choose how they wish to spend their funds, and the best way to do that is by providing sponsorship levels! 

Tiered Sponsorship Levels

The most popular method for event sponsorship is the tiered model, with different tiers of sponsorship. Usually, these levels are categorized as platinum, gold, silver and bronze (or something similar). The bronze tier is essentially the base tier, and will be the stepping stone for every other tier that comes above it. The higher the tier, the more benefits are included. With each tier, the pricing also changes! As you would expect, the higher tiers are the most expensive, but come with the most benefits! Setting these tiers up and allowing your sponsors to choose which one works best for them will let them know exactly how their money will be spent and what they are going to receive in return! 

A La Carte Sponsorship

The other option for event sponsorship levels is an a la carte option! Choosing this option will lay all of your sponsorship opportunities on the table, and let your sponsors pick and choose what options they want! There may be certain sponsorship options in the tiered levels that an event sponsor doesn’t necessarily need or want. Letting your sponsors hand pick which options to spend their funds on will be great for your brand as well as theirs! Sponsors are able to tailor funds to exactly how they want to promote their brand! Both parties have goals that they are trying to achieve, and working with your sponsors and letting them choose which option works best for them will only strengthen your professional relationship. 

10 Examples Of Event Sponsorship Packages

In order to create a successful event for your company as well as your sponsors, design fun and engaging event sponsorship packages! Event sponsorship packages can be done in a variety of ways, and these examples have proven to be successful for companies as well as their sponsors. 

1. Entertainment

Entertainment can come in many forms, such as a band, comedian or an author! If you want to book entertainment for your event, reaching out to your sponsor to fund the entertainment is a great option! For example, Pepsi has sponsored the Super Bowl halftime show for the past 10 years. Every year, the Super Bowl draws millions of viewers, who not only see Pepsi commercials but also Pepsi’s logo on the field. The NFL receives funding for promoting Pepsi on all of their football platforms, while Pepsi is able to market their name on the biggest stage in sports history. 

2. Food Branding

Food branding is a popular way to advertise your company, and it can be done in several ways! Cookies and cupcakes are able to be branded with your sponsor’s logo, and they make for a perfect photo opportunity. Branding has even gone so far as branding on water bottles, candy wrappers and even branded cocktails! Food is always the centerpiece of a marketing event, and will be a topic of conversation after the event concludes. Using food branding to promote your sponsors will be talked about and your guests will remember it for years to come. 

3. Sponsored Merchandise

Most everybody has seen a t-shirt with a company logo on it. Whether that t-shirt came from a corporate event, a concert or a road race, there are usually company logos branded on the t-shirt. With branded merchandise, your company can create tiered levels of funds, and your sponsor’s logo can be branded on whatever is included. Branded merchandise your logo can be displayed on include: 

  • T-shirts
  • Pens
  • Reusable Water Bottles
  • Hats
  • Coolers
  • Reusable Bags
  • Stress Balls
  • Umbrellas
 Designing sponsored event merch

4. Unique Giveaways

Giveaways always grab the attention of your guests at events, of any kind! Events with a large number of guests typically have popular sponsors; ones that your guests will be able to instantly recognize. Your sponsors may be willing to provide a trip, along with roundtrip airfare, as a grand prize, given away at the end of your event. Your sponsor can also display their logo at your event, and can be promoted through word of mouth about the big grand prize to be given away. With such a big giveaway, your guests will be talking about the sponsor and the giveaway throughout the whole event! 

5. Social Wall

Social walls are growing in popularity as a way to showcase your sponsors! Social walls have been mainly used to showcase social media channels, with breaking news and hard hitting stories on the front page. If your company wants to use this form of marketing for your sponsors, all of your sponsor’s logos will collectively be in one place! Your guests can scroll through this social wall to see all of the sponsor’s in one place! You can even go so far as to link your sponsor’s webpage to their square on the social wall! 

6. Recharge Stations 

Events, especially ones that span over the course of a few days, can become tiresome for everyone involved. You, as well as your phone, may run out of juice. When reaching out to potential sponsors, consider having recharge stations for both the guest’s electronics as well as themselves. You can even print the sponsor’s logo on portable chargers that can be handed out at the beginning of the event! Your guests won’t have to worry about their phone running out of battery! In terms of a recharge station for your guests, you can have your sponsor donate food and drink in a designated area where guests can go and relax. This will give guests the chance to take a few minutes to have something to drink, relax and recharge their minds before heading back to the event. 

7. Virtual Reality Stations

Events where your guests are able to learn but also have fun and relax are the best kind of events! Virtual reality has burst onto the scene in the past few years and is growing even more in popularity. Your sponsors can choose to have virtual reality sessions at your event, and they can even choose which games to have. You can have multiple people playing the VR games at once, which becomes a great bonding experience for everyone! 

8. Game Lounges

One way to have your guests relax and be comfortable during your event is to have game lounges! These lounges can be a separate room, filled with all kinds of games! Board games, card games and even virtual reality games can be used to entertain your guests! As you pitch to event sponsors, let them know that one of the sponsorship packages they can partake in is the game lounges! They can place branded games in the lounge, as well as banners and signs as to who provided all of the games! 

9. Video Interviews

To help create a compelling highlight reel to use as marketing material, host video interviews with your guests! Companies who wish to sponsor these video interviews can impose their logo onto the video once they are completed! These interviews can be guests talking about their experiences at the event, who they are and what they do at their own company!

10. Fitness And Wellness Sessions

Encourage your guests to take breaks with a fitness and wellness session within your event! Sponsors who wish to provide funds for this portion of the event can do so by donating fitness equipment or providing wellness instructors! Your guests can take time out of their day at the event to sit back and relax not only their body, but their minds as well. Water bottles can be branded with the sponsoring company, and even providing a hashtag will allow your guests to check in and use their social media to promote the sponsoring company. 

How to pitch your event package to sponsors

Pitching Your Event Package To Sponsors 

Once you have decided it's time to pitch to your sponsors, understanding how to correctly carry out your pitch can lead to the success of your event. Pitching to your sponsors can either be done in person, with a written proposal or done virtually with a Zoom call! Following these steps will help you to create a successful pitch: 

1. Know Your Target Companies 

Research is a giant part of finding the correct sponsors to use for your event. Finding sponsors who align with goals and values are the kind of sponsors that you’ll want to pair with for your event. That’s why creating a successful pitch to your sponsors is so important. If your event is discussion based, finding sponsors who are willing to be a part of the panel discussion would be a great choice! Once you find a sponsor and pull off a great event with their help, be sure to have them back for every event you have! Keeping track of your event analytics and metrics and then presenting those analytics to your sponsors will show how successful your event was! 

2. Demonstrate Value

Letting your sponsors know how appreciative you are that they are helping your company will make a world of difference. When making your pitch to potential sponsors, let them know what their company can gain from sponsoring your event. Your sponsors will gain future customers, generate new leads and even have access to guests data. Using a tool to show data from your event in real time will show your sponsors the success of your event, all thanks to them! 

3. Get Testimonials From Past Sponsors 

Another great way to pitch to your sponsors is by getting testimonials from past sponsors! Presenting potential sponsors with facts and information from past sponsors will let them know what they can expect from sponsoring your event. Compiling stories from your biggest event sponsors from the past will be helpful in capturing new event sponsors. 

4 Tips For A Knockout Event Sponsorship Package

Making your sponsorship package stand out from the rest will ensure that sponsors will want to fund your event. Sponsors get approached for potential funding for hundreds of events all the time, so following these steps will guarantee that your event will stand out as well as be successful for your sponsors! 

1. Price Packages Fairly

One of the most important parts about creating an event sponsorship package is making sure the price is right. To give a fair and accurate quote for your sponsors, keep a few factors in mind! The size of your audience and what sponsorship opportunities you’re offering to your sponsors are the main factors you should consider. If your event is on a smaller scale, you don’t want an overly expensive sponsorship package, as that won’t be effective for anyone. If you still need some insight on pricing, don’t be afraid to check the market prices for other companies! Doing this will give you a clear picture of how much to price your sponsorship packages at. 

2. Encourage Interactions Between Attendees And Sponsors

Sponsors want to interact with attendees as much as possible, as they could become potential customers! As an event organizer, encouraging these interactions will bring everyone together! Letting organic conversations happen will allow attendees to get a better glimpse into the world of event sponsorship and vice versa! Whether you have a panel discussion or a booth style setup, the conversation will flow and everyone can learn a little bit more about one another! 

3. Use Of Swag Bags On Useful Products

Everyone loves free swag, that’s for sure! However, when it comes to free swag, there are many different products that may be more useful than others. While everyone loves a free t-shirt or reusable water bottle, these things can become overly used at every event. Thinking outside the box for swag bag items can become a topic of conversation between your attendees! Phone accessories like PopSockets, portable chargers and credit card holders can be branded with your sponsor’s logo and will actually be used by your guests! 

Event swag bags

4. Create A User Friendly Event Website

Nothing is more frustrating than going to a website and having the website be too busy or not easy to navigate. When creating your event website, making it user friendly should be a top priority. Be sure to have a tab containing all of your sponsors, and a link for your guests to get in touch with them. Giving a small blurb on each of your sponsor’s and what they do as a company will let your attendees know what companies you have aligned with! 

5. Gamify Engagement

Everybody loves to play games, especially when it adds some friendly competition! Using gamification at your event will catch the attention of your guests! If a crowd is forming around a certain game, that will encourage others to join in the fun! Everyone can take turns playing the game, and maybe even get bragging rights for the rest of the event!


Event sponsorship packages can be the best way to gain new sponsors! In order to have a fun and successful event, gaining sponsors who will fund your goals can be the way to crush those goals. Using an event platform like Hubilo will help you create the perfect event sponsorship package. Clearly communicating what you expect from your sponsors will keep the lines of communication open, and nobody will be in the dark about what is expected. Your sponsors will also want to know what they will receive in return for their funds. If the event organizer as well as the sponsors are happy, then any future events will go off without a hitch! 

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