Webinars, Technology,
+ The Future of Marketing
June 2024

A leading HCM solutions provider experiences +55% jump in MQLs, smooth as butter processes, and happier-than-ever attendees with Hubilo’s Webinar+

Webinar goals and challenges

The company’s webinar strategy aims to drive leads, upsell products, establish thought leadership, showcase features, and promote research papers.

Before Hubilo, they used Microsoft Teams, lacking advanced features. Manual email coding and handling registrations were time-consuming and error-prone. Internal coordination issues complicated delivering a smooth webinar experience.

Results achieved

Company's webinar strategy aims to drive leads, upsell products, establish thought leadership, showcase features, and promote research papers.

  • Increased MQLs:
    • MQLs in Q1 increased by 55%, contributing nearly $200,000 to the pipeline.
  • Streamlined Processes:
    • The automation and integration features of Hubilo saved time, reduced errors in managing webinar communications, and streamlined email processes, leading to higher registration rates.
  • Enhanced Attendee Experience:
    • The interactive features of Hubilo made webinars more engaging, leading to better attendee satisfaction and participation

Key Benefits Enjoyed with Hubilo

"Minimizes errors, drives leads"

"The platform's usability and its ability to capture detailed attendee information have played a crucial role in our success. Hubilo saves time with automated emails, minimizes errors, and effectively drives leads."

Content Marketing Manager
Leading HCM solutions provider

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June 2024
A leading HCM solutions provider experiences +55% jump in MQLs, smooth as butter processes, and happier-than-ever attendees with Hubilo’s Webinar+
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