Best Event Management Software

11 Tips to Choose the Best Event Management Software

Juhi Purswani
May 15, 2018

The technological storm has taken a grip over all the prevailing business sectors. Name it and people will somehow bring up the use of technology in their corporations.

For a time it has been realized that tech is not just limited to social media presence and Microsoft office but it is a collection of innovative systematic ideas. Event Industry is not left behind in incorporating all the latest technoventions to increase the event ROI.

Event Management Software is an all-in-one designed tech that automates all the activities from registering in an event to handling all the event analytics; from creating tickets and sending invites to developing an event app and event websites.

Event Management Software has become an essential integrated part of an event to be successful. According to a research, statistics reveal that “8.42% growth expected in the event management software market between 2016–2020”

Let us first familiarize ourselves with the basics of Event Management Software, what is it and how is it useful for the event planners and organisers.

Event Management Software is an all-rounder, quick and convenient solution that helps event profs use paper-free event technology to the fullest. The software covers the services like event ticketing, event registrations, event website, event apps, event marketing and event analytics with an option to customize it according to the customer’s requirements.

According to the definition provided by Wikipedia,

Event management software is the generic term for a wide range of software products that are used in the management of professional and academic conferences, trade exhibitions, conventions and smaller events

The few of the many advantages of using event management software are –

1. Reaching larger audience: Event organisers measure their success also taking into consideration how much audience visited the event. Staying on the profitable side of the business is crucial for the organisers.

To accomplish it easily, organisers can leverage the event marketing tool of the software and create campaigns for better audience gathering and engagement.

event management software to reach larger audiences

According to some research conducted, “84% of marketers say that attendee engagement solutions are the biggest trend in maximizing event success.”

Such statistics are a kick-start for the organisers to opt for online event management systems and increase the event reach.

2. All in the cloud: The best part of an online event management system is that everything is stored on secured company servers, including all the data collected.

secured servers for event management software

This ensures that all the data is managed in an efficient and safe manner. On the cloud, data can be safeguarded by all the essential encryptions and is easy to access without any storage issues.

3. In-hand customized website and app: To increase event ROI, online event website is the basic need nowadays and to leverage the social media presence of the attendees, the client also opts for an event app.

The best part of providing event website and app is that these are customizable and can be adjusted according to the requirements of the user.

4. Event Networking Platform is an absolute charm: Event Networking is the ongoing trend in the online event industry and is gearing up at a fast pace.

An integrated networking platform service provided in the event management software is beneficial for the event organisers. Many advantages organisers get by introducing this feature in their events.

5. User-friendly interface: Every attendee/customer needs an interactive platform which is easy to use and understand. Attendee or the customer isn’t always going to be a technical person so a user-friendly interface which they can use must be preferred.

When you know how handy can this software be why not read a few tips to select the best one!

Here a few basic guidelines that’ll help you all to choose the best feasible event management software solution that’ll suit your needs.

6. Knowing your requirements: To choose the best event management software solution, first, the event organisers must be clear on their requirements.

What do they need the software for? Is it useful for their event? Or whether they require just a few services like event app or ticketing system? Such questions must be answered first and then the organizer must move on to the next point.

7. Budget-friendly: The next point that comes into the mind of event organisers is budget. They must have an average idea of how much they’ll be able to spend on the event-tech part of the upcoming event.

budget friendly event management software

Choose online event management system wisely according to the number of services and the quality of services. Go through the user’s testimonials and comments on how their experience was. Event organisers can also ask for a demo from the tech vendors.

8. Reliability: Event organisers must check the reliability of the online event management system along with the reliability of the service provider. Conduct an in-depth research on the company/vendor whose software you’ll be using or are thinking of using.

9. Support facilities provision: By opting for event management software from an event-tech partner, the organizer might face issues while using it or may require the vendor to customize the website with several new changes.

support facilities for event management software

In such conditions, there must be a support provider person who’ll help out the organizer whenever they are struck.

10. Innovative: There are many organisations providing online Event Management Software but all of them have some difference. It differs in quality and price to the type of package services they provide and in what sectors they deal with.

Choose a solution best for your event purpose and having innovative solutions that the attendees will like.

11. Internet requirements: Last but not the least, the internet connection required for the software also counts in. In addition to the speed and quality of internet, it must be secured for the transactions to be safe when attendees buy tickets.

WIFI internal services for event management software

As a study suggests, 71% of event tickets are bought online; the transactions of the tickets must be highly secured.

Concluding the blog, I would just like to add, “Event tech is the present change and the future father of successful events.”

Want to know more about how an event management software can help you? Know more about it here.

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Juhi Purswani

Juhi Purswani is a major in Information Technology. Currently a Content Developer in Hubilo, she is a passionate writer and loves to research and explore new and unique topics. Working in an event-tech company, she is getting accustomed to the technological revolutions that are taking place in the event management industry. Fond of Dan Brown books, she is an avid reader of fiction. In her relaxation moments, she pens down her thoughts in the form of poems and quotes. You can follow her on twitter on @19_juhi.

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