How to create event sponsorship ideas

Take Your Event to the Next Level with Our 30 Creative Event Sponsorship Ideas

Make an event great with the help of event sponsorships. We’ve gathered 30 creative ideas to take your event sponsorships to the next level!
December 3, 2022

Recruiting and securing sponsorship for an event is critical to help enhance the experience and overall achieve success. When brainstorming sponsorship event ideas, the key is to stand out and think of opportunities the sponsors can benefit from. Before following through with the implementation of your event sponsorship ideas, be sure to keep three factors in mind: 

  1. The needs of your event
  2. The reason why people are interested in attending your event
  3. The brand activations that will bring the event together

30 Creative Event Sponsorship Ideas

If you are looking to maximize your sponsorship packages and boost revenue, check out some of these innovative event sponsorship ideas you could apply towards your next event:

1. Host a Social Mixer

A good way for professionals to wind down and still connect with one another after the event is by having your sponsor host a social mixer. This can create excitement offsite and allow sponsors to personally interact with individuals. 

2. Encourage Wellness Breaks

Depending on the duration of your event, including wellness breaks throughout sessions can help with retaining the focus of your audience members. Featuring a wellness break activity in your sponsorship package is encouraged because it allows the audience to momentarily get active as the sponsors get to know the attendees. Some wellness break activities are: Zumba, yoga, stretching or hoola hooping. 

3. Offer Exclusive Deals with Sponsorship

Hosting an event is the perfect opportunity to introduce a sponsor’s business to potential consumers. A new, virtual way this can be achieved is by creating a landing page that offers exclusive deals for your audience to take advantage of. For example, if your sponsor provides a service, a consumer could receive 50% off the first three months due to visiting the designated landing page. 

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4. Set Up An Event App

Despite the size of your event, having sponsors design and use an event app can help things run smoother.  Attendees could refer to it for information, the event’s schedule or to locate any important contact information throughout the meeting. This will also allow sponsors to rely on data that is collected and reflects the audience’s interests.

Create an app for your event

5. Social Photo Booths

Sponsored photo booths are great assets to have at your event because not only are they fun and interactive, but you can also raise awareness for you and the sponsorship’s brand. Some tactics that could be utilized along with the social photo booth are using event hashtags and encouraging people to create engaging content such as GIFs, looping videos or personality images. 

6. Incorporating Virtual or Augmented Reality Content

Virtual or augmented reality is a unique way for sponsors to engage with the audience members of your event. For example, a new product or service can be promoted through AR or VR which can be cost and space efficient.

7. Offering Rewards or Incentives

A sponsorship tactic that can be applied towards your event is providing tokens of appreciation for attendance or participation. Before implementing, you and your sponsor can come together to decide if you would want to pass along incentives due to having a successful event turnout or to people who participate in activity or trivia games. 

8. Decorating the Event with Branding

Due to the size and activities of the event, there is a chance your sponsor’s branding and signage may go unnoticed. A great way for audience members to acknowledge your sponsor’s involvement is by placing signage and the logo of your sponsor throughout the event; not just near their booth station. 

9. Add Value with Non-Fungible Tokens 

Another sponsorship event idea that may be valued is educating the audience about the significance of non-fungible tokens (NFT) and giving away NFT collectables with your sponsor’s logo on it.  That way your audience can take these collectables as keepsakes for as long as they want.

10. Create Engaging, Viral Content

One of the top engaging social media platforms you should take advantage of right now is TikTok. Creating content on Tiktok can help build you and your sponsor’s awareness by showcasing their booth and your overall event. It can be arranged where in-house staff is responsible for recording the process of how your event came to life as well as highlighting your sponsor’s provided services and products. 

11. Offer Snacks and Treats

Everyone including the audience of your event can appreciate complimentary snacks and beverages. Although this is a small, kind gesture; offering snacks with your sponsor’s logo on the labels is a great way for people to recharge and become familiar with the sponsorship.

12. Collect Data via Surveys

Analyzing the data that is collected from surveys can help you get a better idea of what is and isn’t working for your event such as features, platforms and even sponsors. After receiving this feedback, you can then alter your event’s experience to better suit you and your target audience. 

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13. Provide Battery Charging Stations

Depending on the type of content being presented, it may be convenient to include a charging station or lockers in the sponsorship package. That way audience members will be able to conveniently charge their cell phones, laptops or tablets while still staying on track or being a disturbance to others. 

Battery charging station at an event

14. Give Back to the Community

A great way to keep your sponsorship in the limelight could be by hosting a sponsored charity event. This will allow you and your sponsor to positively impact the community, give back to those in need while also showcasing your brands.

15. Offer Breakout Sessions

Best suited for a virtual or hybrid event, a breakout room featuring your sponsor as the speaker is an ideal way for your audience to engage by getting a better idea of what they have to offer and having a Q&A session.

16. Transform Videos in Sponsored Ads

Capture your audience’s attention by presenting sponsored video advertisements or videos that highlight leaders from the sponsorship. These videos should be brief and can include text, graphics and transitions to promote interactivity within the crowd. When planning your event, be sure to discuss different livestream platforms and sponsorship packages to weigh out all options.  

17. Include Table Centerpieces

Subtle yet visible, table centerpieces are hard to ignore and can be valuable elements to your event. To include your sponsor’s brand, you could easily incorporate their brand colors or even their logo so that audience members are aware. 

18. Sponsored Tickets for Admission

Purchased or registered tickets can be a part of the sponsorship’s package by featuring the sponsor’s name, colors or logo. That way attendees can have a subtle reminder that the sponsor plays an important role within the event as well. This is a great way to track impact, attendance and increase visibility.

19. Utilize Email Marketing

Once attendees have purchased and registered tickets, they should be sure to receive three to five emails to keep you and sponsorship on their radar. This too is a great way to keep in contact with attendees once the event has concluded. It’s important to include elements like:  

  • An overview of your event and sponsor’s organization
  • A digital ticket
  • A payment receipt
  • A confirmation email 
  • The event’s schedule
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20. Practice Best Practices

To add human resource value to your event and create the ultimate experience, here are some best practices tactics that can be applied:

  • Obtain the names of corporate sponsors guests
  • Provide guests with a printed image of important industry leaders and thank you note
  • Offer a care package that can be used throughout and after the event (i.e. hand sanitizer, sunscreen, bottle of water, pack of tissue, bottle of lotion, etc.)
  • Create and utilize a social media hashtag
  • Take a picture of attendees to include in the next event’s program

21. Hosting Event Entertainment

When approaching performers to be a part of your event, it’s best to emphasize how they can benefit from exposure from the event and connections with the sponsor. This may help solidify the entertainment without having to pay a costly fee. 

22. Sponsorship Raffle

Incorporating a sponsorship raffle within your event is a traditional way for sponsors to promote and engage with audience members. Participating sponsors can come together to donate value prizes and make the day of a few ticket holders. 

23. Celebrity Ambassadors

Celebrity endorsements are a powerful way to build excitement, increase ticket sales and involve your sponsorship. Of course it would be great to have the celebrity participate by speaking or performing, but if that is beyond you and your sponsor’s means, having the celebrity walk around in a sponsored t-shirt or posting them on the flyer can be just as influential.

24. Sponsored Professional Services

Having a sponsor agree to providing professional services or products for little to no cost is a major way to establish engagement and brand loyalty. Although it would be great representation, this method wouldn’t require the sponsor to attend the event while they are playing an integral role with their provided services. 

25. Set Up Water Stations

Offering water stations throughout your event is a gentle gesture to show you care for your audience’s well being. This type of sponsorship idea would become especially handy for events that are outdoor or that require a lot of walking. As long as you are taking environmentally friendly precautions, sponsored hydration stations will be greatly appreciated. 

26. Sponsored DJ or Radio Station

Having a sponsored DJ or radio booth at the event is an inexpensive way to provide entertainment and attract potential consumers. With good quality sound and an appropriate music selection, sponsorship awareness and connections can be made amongst the crowd.

27. Sponsored Wifi

Yes, surely everyone in today’s age has a cell phone and may be able to access content with their own mobile internet service but by providing sponsored wifi, you will have an advantage. Offering free, reliable wifi that is sponsored will help your event stand out and allow attendees to have a smooth experience when connecting. 

28. Hiring Concierges 

Having a sponsored concierge available to assist your guest is a great idea because you may not always be available to tend to them when need be. By wearing sponsored colored clothing with the “concierge” role somewhere on the shirt, they are easily visible and accessible for help.  Due to their A1 service, concierges are great for PR and leaving a positive impression on your audience members. 

29. Be Environmentally Friendly

Practicing eco friendly methods are important because as a host or sponsor, you are looked upon as a leader. Sponsors can connect with the audience by stating their sustainability goals and supplying “green” products during the event such as using plastic substitutes and allowing attendees to follow along digitally rather than passing out paper pamphlets.

30. Live Streaming

Choosing to live stream content is an innovative way for a sponsor network with people who choose to attend the event. Utilizing broadcast channels such as the internet and social media is a great way to showcase a variety of content such as images, videos and organic social media content all at once. 

How to get great sponsors for your event


There are a wide variety of sponsorship ideas that can be applied to build excitement and increase ROI. To ensure you are fully grasping your audience’s attention, it’s vital to create an experience that will leave an everlasting impression. 

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