event technology

Unleashing the Potential of Event Technology

Event technology is revolutionizing the event industry, providing benefits for organizers and enhancing attendee engagement. Learn how to leverage the right tools for your next event.
May 31, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, incorporating event technology is essential to ensure the success of your events. The use of event technology not only enhances attendee experiences but also provides numerous benefits for organizers. Gartner's 2022 Technology Marketing Benchmark Survey found that tech and service providers allocate 26.9% of their marketing program budget to hosted and sponsored events. This allocation underscores the increasing recognition of events as powerful marketing tools.

Furthermore, 90% of event organizers believe technology can positively impact attendee engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, 85% of event planners agree that utilizing event technology is essential for the success of their events.

These statistics demonstrate the growing trend of integrating event technology into event planning and management processes. Regardless of the format, size, or type of event, the right event technology can streamline operations, boost attendee engagement, and achieve your desired event goals.

Whether you're planning a virtual, in-person, or hybrid event, we've got you covered. Let's discover the world of event technology to make your next event successful!

What is event technology?

Event technology refers to the tools, applications, and software that is used to plan, execute, and enhance various aspects of events. It encompasses a wide range of event technologies that aim to streamline the event management process, improve attendee experiences, and provide data-driven insights for event organizers.

Here are some examples of components that your event technology stack may comprise:

  1. Event management tools: These include ticketing and registration systems, access management solutions, contact management platforms, and event reporting software.
  2. Event marketing tools: Website builders, email marketing platforms, personalized registration flows, promo code generators, and UTM link trackers can assist with event promotion and marketing efforts.
  3. Event content tools: Agenda builders, session registration management tools, and speaker portals enable efficient organization and management of event content and sessions.
  4. Event engagement tools: In-session polls, Q&A features, chat channels, virtual applause, reaction mechanisms, and social media integrations to enhance attendee engagement and interaction.
  5. Networking tools: 1:1 messaging platforms, community search and navigation features, and the ability to schedule meetings with other attendees facilitate networking opportunities.
  6. Broadcasting tools: Technologies that enable session recording for on-demand viewing by attendees who couldn't attend the live event.
  7. Onsite tools: Self-check-in kiosks, badge printing services, and other onsite tech services streamline event operations and enhance the onsite experience.
  8. Sponsor management tools: Tools for managing sponsors, lead capture, and scoring facilitate effective sponsorship management and ROI tracking.
  9. Mobile event apps: Provide attendees with event information, personalized schedules, session reminders, networking features, and real-time updates.
  10. Event intelligence tools: Analytics platforms that provide insights into registration, networking, engagement, and cross-event data analysis.

Whether hosting an in-person event, planning a virtual event, or combining the best parts of in-person and virtual with a hybrid event, your event tech stack might look slightly different. Event technology is vital in enhancing attendee experiences, increasing event efficiency, and providing valuable data insights for event organizers. By leveraging the right event technology solutions, organizers can create memorable events, maximize attendee engagement, and achieve their desired event objectives.

Why new technology for events matter 

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a rapid evolution in event technology, bringing numerous benefits to the events industry. A significant 73.6% of event planners reported increased proficiency in utilizing technology due to their experiences during the pandemic.

In the past, event planning relied heavily on manual processes. Event organizers had to compile attendee lists one contact at a time. Event promotions were limited to traditional methods such as print, direct mail, cold calling, and word of mouth. Automating fast and personalized post-event follow-ups was a challenging task.

However, the advancement of event technology has transformed the landscape. Here are some benefits of event technology:

Increased efficiency: Event technology can help event planners save time and money by automating attendee registration, marketing, and follow-up tasks.

Improved attendee experience: Event technology can help attendees have a more enjoyable and productive experience by providing them with information, networking opportunities, and other resources.

Increased reach: Event technology can help events reach a wider audience by making them available online or live streaming.

Enhanced data collection and analysis: Data analytics is essential for event planners to track and measure various aspects of their events, facilitating continuous iteration and optimization of event strategies. Event technology can help planners collect and analyze data about their events to improve future events.

Moreover, the event technology boom has simplified the realization of in-person, hybrid, and virtual event ideas. Today, event marketers can access various technologies to incorporate into their event tech stack. Each stack component supports the complete event lifecycle, seamlessly transitioning from one phase to the next. These technologies enable website creation, increase event registrations, and facilitate email promotions.

Furthermore, event technology significantly enhances the user experience. Through platforms and tools for event engagement and networking, attendees can easily connect at the click of a button. Event apps offer features like chatbots, instant answers to attendees' questions, and interactive maps to navigate vast convention centers. Live streaming technology allows global attendees to tune into sessions in real time, expanding the event's reach.

Why new technology for events matter 

Ultimately, event technology empowers organizers to create unforgettable experiences and extend the event's impact long after it concludes. By leveraging the capabilities of event tech, event planners can maximize the value and longevity of their events even after the physical doors have closed and the speakers have departed.

How to choose the best event technology 

Choosing the right event technology involves careful consideration of your specific event requirements and goals. Here are some steps to guide you in selecting the appropriate event technology:

Consider event goals

Event technology can assist you in accomplishing your event objectives, regardless of the event type or format. It is essential to clearly understand your event objectives before choosing the appropriate event technology.

  • Why are you organizing this event? Consider the purpose and desired outcomes of your event. Reflect on your business goals and identify technology solutions that align with them.
  • Which key performance indicators (KPIs) will determine the success of your event? Consider your event strategy and what you want attendees to gain from the experience. Consider how event technology can support these objectives.
  • What actions do you want attendees to take after the event? Consider how your event technology can contribute to the post-event experience and engagement. Reflect on the content you plan to provide and how you want attendees to continue their involvement.
event goals and objectives

Selecting the appropriate event format and type

When organizing an event, it's crucial to carefully consider the format and event type that aligns with your goals, audience, and budget. Choosing the proper format and event type is essential because each requires different technology. With that in mind, let's delve into the considerations you must consider when assembling your event tech stack for your next event.

In-person events

In-person events are making a significant comeback following the pandemic. Most marketers (63%) have plans to host in-person events within the next 12 to 24 months. As the pandemic gradually recedes, this trend expects to continue.

Successfully planning and hosting an in-person event is a challenging task. Leading event organizers understand this and ensure that their event tech stack includes all the necessary tools for success.

Virtual events

For virtual events, it's crucial to seek event technology solutions that enable you to deliver crystal-clear, high-quality video content to remote attendees. Grainy and unstable video sessions can hinder attendee engagement. Look for an event tech platform that can pre-record content and stream it to global audiences, ensuring a smooth event experience.

One of the challenges of virtual events is providing compelling networking opportunities. Event marketers find networking more challenging in virtual events compared to physical ones. Event technology can be a game-changer in this regard. Leading event technologies allow organizers to create breakout rooms during sessions, facilitating smaller group discussions among virtual attendees. These solutions also enable virtual attendees to initiate video calls with other participants with a click, regardless of location.

Hybrid events

Hybrid events, which combine elements of both in-person and virtual formats, have gained popularity since the pandemic. According to a recent study, 73% of marketers anticipate hybrid events becoming more common. If you are already organizing an in-person event, why not extend the invitation to a virtual audience too? Hosting a successful hybrid event requires careful consideration of numerous factors. The goal is to provide equitable experiences for in-person and virtual attendees and ensure seamless interaction.

By considering the appropriate event format and selecting event technology that caters to the specific requirements of each format, you can create exceptional experiences for your attendees and achieve your event objectives effectively.


Consider your budget and evaluate the pricing structure of the event technology. Look beyond the initial cost and assess the value it brings to your event. Consider factors like ROI potential, time-saving features, attendee experience enhancements, and the technology's long-term benefits.

event budget

Ensure centralized event management

Event managers have many responsibilities, including creating event websites, executing email marketing campaigns, managing event registration, developing apps, coordinating with speakers and sponsors, facilitating check-ins, conducting real-time surveys, fostering networking opportunities, and keeping attendees engaged, among numerous other tasks.

Instead of navigating between multiple platforms to orchestrate your event, it is advisable to seek a vendor that offers a comprehensive suite of tools accessible through a single interface.

By consolidating your technological resources, you can streamline workflows, save time and money, gather more comprehensive data, and enhance your chances of achieving your event objectives.

Prioritize event technology  with exceptional customer support

Ideally, your chosen event technology vendors should provide top-tier customer support, demonstrating their commitment to promptly addressing any issues that may arise. In addition to reliability, it is essential to inquire about the tech provider's customer support and success tools. For instance, if there is a problem with event registration, you should reach out to customer support for a swift resolution. When researching event tech providers, please inquire about the level of support they offer. Consider asking the following questions:

  • Is customer support available 24/7?
  • Can support be accessed through chat, email, or a direct phone line?
  • What is the average response time for support tickets?
  • Will there be onsite assistance available if any systems experience downtime?

Simultaneously, it is essential to determine whether you will have access to a dedicated customer success manager who can guide you in effectively utilizing the event technology, providing valuable and strategic advice.

Opt for customizable branded event technology 

The event technology you select plays a crucial role in representing your brand. Each interaction with attendees presents an opportunity to make a lasting impression.

According to G2, 70% of marketers consider consistent branding one of the most critical aspects of customer communication. 

To ensure that the event technology you choose aligns with your brand identity, consider the following tips:

  1. Inquire about the ability to add your logo and determine logo placement options.
  2. Check if you can customize the background color and incorporate images or event videos on your event platform, apps, and other tools.
  3. Find out if you can select your preferred fonts and explore other customization options.

By selecting event technology tailored to your brand, you can create a cohesive and impactful experience for your event attendees.

customizable branded event technology 

Evaluate the ease of use and user experience

User-friendly event technology ensures a smooth experience for event organizers and attendees. An easy-to-use platform means everyone involved should be able to learn the platform quickly. Consider the intuitiveness of the platform, accessibility across devices, and user support options to improve ROI. Ask vendors for a demo or a free trial to test the usability of the event technology.

Ensure a cohesive attendee journey

Creating an event experience that aligns seamlessly with your brand is vital. Any inconsistency in this experience, whether related to the event platform, mobile event technology, or onsite check-in, can give off an unrefined impression and undermine your brand's integrity. Ensuring a smooth attendee experience becomes even more significant when organizing an event. When selecting event technology, consider the level of customization it offers. To narrow down your options effectively, here are some inquiries worth making:

  • Does the event registration process redirect visitors away from the main website?
  • Can the agenda and homepage be customized to reflect your brand?
  • Does the platform provide an event app?
  • If so, does it allow for white labeling?

Focus on ABM preparedness and customization 

Look for solutions that offer comprehensive insights into the entire attendee journey. As you plan your event, it's essential to be able to determine the following:

  • Which promotional codes attract specific attendees?
  • When do attendees typically register for the event?
  • How actively are attendees engaging in networking activities?
  • Which sessions did they register for?
  • Which sessions received the highest ratings from attendees?
  • Are there any other actionable recommendations based on attendee behavior?

Moreover, this data should be easily accessible based on ticket type, account, and individual contact. Finding an event platform that enables you to create and track event personas will provide an additional avenue for analysis. This way, you can personalize the attendee experience and follow up in alignment with an account-based marketing (ABM) approach.

Assess scalability and flexibility

Consider the scalability of the event technology. Can it handle the size of your event, whether it's a small gathering or a large-scale conference? Additionally, check if the event technologies are flexible enough to adapt to your evolving needs, allowing you to customize features, integrate with other tools, and accommodate future growth.

Select an event technology with a strong focus on innovation

When selecting an event technology solution, it is crucial to prioritize providers that strongly focus on innovation. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying at the forefront of technological advancements can give you a competitive edge and enhance the overall event experience. By selecting an event technology provider that prioritizes innovation, you can position yourself ahead of the competition and leverage the latest advancements in the event industry.

event technology with a strong focus on innovation

Ensure hybrid readiness for your event

As the event landscape evolves, it's essential to recognize the readiness for hybrid events. With organizations incorporating lessons learned from virtual events, they strive to create successful hybrid experiences as in-person events gradually resume. When exploring event technologies, prioritize future-proof solutions that can adapt to the changing demands of the hybrid era.

One of the main challenges of hybrid events is providing an exceptional experience for in-person and remote audiences while maintaining a personalized approach. Event technology is crucial in merging these two worlds and delivering a seamless experience. To achieve the best results, seek solutions that bridge the gap between the virtual and in-person experiences. For instance, consider an event platform that seamlessly integrates with an in-person event app, eliminating the need for separate development. It saves time and ensures a cohesive event experience for attendees, regardless of location.

Review security and data privacy

Data security and privacy are critical considerations when selecting event technology. Assess the technology provider's measures to protect attendee data, comply with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR), and safeguard sensitive information. Verify their data handling practices, encryption protocols, and disaster recovery processes.

event technology security and data privacy

How to find the best event technology

Event technology reviews sites

Event technology review sites compile peer feedback and ratings specific to the software's intended purpose. They often analyze the event software's advantages, disadvantages, and unique perspectives not commonly found on the product's official website.

When embarking on your research journey, consider exploring the following review sites:

G2 Crowd: G2 Crowd recognizes outstanding SaaS products with prestigious innovator awards. Their evaluation criteria typically include four main categories: Leaders, Contenders, Niche, and High Performance. Any product featured on their award chart deserves closer consideration.

Capterra: Capterra stands out as a user review site. They categorize software based on popularity, affordability, and user-friendliness, providing valuable insights from actual users.

Software Advice:

This comprehensive database offers event organizers detailed search results and extensive buyer's guides, aiding in selecting event technology that aligns best with your goals.

Exploring these event technology review platforms will equip you with valuable information to make an informed decision and find the solution that best suits your needs.

How to research event technology

When researching event technology, consider the following five key aspects, regardless of the review site you choose:

  1. Challenge the sales representatives: Ask them specific questions about product features and the industry. A sales representative who is willing to provide information about their competitors in a positive light is genuinely interested in your best interests.
  2. Seek multiple opinions: Apart from reading review sites, reach out to your network and ask sales representatives to connect you with their current customers for references. Gathering different perspectives will give you a comprehensive understanding of users' experiences.
  3. Read event technology guides: Stay updated on new reports and benchmark comparisons, as they are just as crucial, if not more so, than reviews. These resources present data and figures that may reveal insights you might have yet to consider.
  4. Create an assessment for each event technology: Tailor your evaluation based on your specific goals and strategies to make it meaningful. Evaluating event technology based on your objectives will help you generate awareness, manage registrations, and measure success effectively.
  5. Align event tech with your business plan: Consider the bigger picture and refer to your company's goals. Evaluate if the software you choose aligns with the broader objectives you aim to achieve.

Once you have narrowed your options to a few vendors, it is vital to engage in further exploration. Interrogate potential partners to determine who can best fulfill your requirements. This phase marks the beginning of your journey toward finding the ideal event technology solution.

Embrace the power of event technology

In today's era of virtual and hybrid events, the significance of event technology has never been more pronounced. It serves as the driving force behind delivering exceptional event experiences. Event technology has revolutionized the events landscape, from facilitating online workshops and meetings to enabling immersive virtual trade shows. Staying up-to-date with available event technology and its potential can be challenging. You can significantly boost engagement by understanding your audience and matching the appropriate technology to each event. Proactively staying informed and aligning technology with your events can maximize engagement and create successful attendee experiences.

With Hubilo, you have a trusted partner by your side. Hubilo offers a comprehensive event management solution that combines the latest technologies to elevate your events. From seamless event registration and live streaming to engaging gamification features and contactless check-in, Hubilo empowers you to create unforgettable experiences for both in-person and virtual audiences. Take advantage of the opportunity to revolutionize your events and drive success. Schedule a demo with Hubilo today and unlock the full potential of event technology.

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