webinar content

How to Repurpose Webinar Content?

Discover the art of repurposing webinar content to extend its reach and impact. Learn why repurposing is crucial for reaching a wider audience, maximizing ROI, catering to different learning styles, and enhancing your SEO efforts. Explore 16 creative ways to repurpose your webinars, from creating gated on-demand content to developing infographics, podcasts, and more.
March 27, 2024

Recognizing the critical importance of high-quality content in shaping your buyer's journey is paramount. Webinars, serving as an ideal vehicle for top-of-funnel, educational content, demonstrate your profound understanding of your audience's needs and challenges.

Webinars stand out as a potent demand generation tactic, yet the reality is that organizing and producing a corporate video or webinar can incur significant costs.

Webinars offer a more dynamic and interactive platform for building brand awareness, establishing credibility, and leaving valuable branded content. But what happens when a webinar ends?

This is the time to repurpose this valuable content longer shelf-life. As accurate as it is, most organizations underutilize the value of webinars, allowing them to remain stagnant once the live event ends. Repurposing creates a unique and powerful opportunity for organizations to rejuvenate their webinar assets, increase the shelf life of their webinar content, and leverage their potential for sustained and meaningful outcomes. Rather than relentlessly pursuing quantity, prioritize quality. Repurposing the exceptional content generated during webinars enables you to consistently deliver high-quality content without overstretching your resources.

Transforming webinars into multiple content pieces proves to be a cost-effective and time-efficient approach, ensuring sustained performance well into the future. Repurposing webinars into various forms of content becomes essential to effectively engage the target audience through multiple channels.

This blog discusses how repurposing webinar content breathes new life into your valuable insights, transforming them into diverse formats that engage, educate, and captivate your audience long after the spotlight has dimmed.

Read on to find out why you need to repurpose content and 16 strategic ways to use it. 

Why should you repurpose webinar content?

According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, repurposed content can generate up to 4x more leads than the original webinar. But that's not it. Repurposing webinar content brings a lot of benefits to marketing and content strategy. 

  • Reach a wider audience: Not everyone who registers can attend your webinars. There could be timezone differences, scheduling conflicts, and emergency conditions. However, repurposing webinars allow you to even reach that audience with alternative ways for people to consume information through recorded videos, blog posts, or social media updates.
  • Maximize ROI: Creating quality webinar content takes resources, time, effort, and more. Repurposing webinar content into different formats maximizes ROI by extending its lifespan and value. The same content can be used to create multiple engaging pieces. 
  • Cater to different learning styles: People consume content differently. While some enjoy watching videos, others prefer podcasts, blogs, etc. Repurposing helps accommodate various learning styles and preferences, making it more accessible and engaging for a diverse audience. 
  • Improve SEO and website traffic: Creating written content based on your webinars, such as blog posts or articles, can boost your website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. This can increase organic traffic and visibility as search engines index your content and rank it higher in relevant searches.
  • Expand your content library: Repurposing webinar content helps you build a robust content library over time. This library can be a valuable resource for your audience and potential customers, positioning you as an industry authority and encouraging repeat website visits.
  • Enhance engagement on social media: You can break down webinar content into bite-sized pieces suitable for sharing on social media platforms. This can spark discussions, encourage engagement, and drive traffic to the webinar or other related content.
  • Address different stages of the buyer's journey: Webinar content often covers various aspects of a topic, which can be repurposed to target different stages of the buyer's journey. You can create awareness, consideration, and decision-stage content, ensuring you cater to the needs of your audience at each stage.
  • Refresh and reinforce key messages: Repurposing allows you to reinforce key messages and vital takeaways from your webinar. Repetition is a powerful tool for learning, and repurposing helps ensure that your audience gets all the crucial information.
  • Leverage multiple channels: Repurposing allows you to share your content across multiple platforms and channels, reaching a wider audience and increasing your overall visibility. This could include your website, social media profiles, email newsletters, YouTube, podcast platforms, and more.
  • Time and Resource Efficiency: Repurposing content can save you time and resources compared to creating entirely new material from scratch. While you may need to adapt the content slightly for different formats, much of the core material is already available.

Incorporating repurposed webinar content into your content strategy can help you connect with your audience more effectively, improve your brand's reach, and make the most of the valuable content you've created.

16 ways to repurpose a webinar

Explore these creative ways to repurpose your webinar content and incorporate them into your content planning document as you strategize and promote your upcoming webinar.

Gated on-demand webinar:

This webinar program proves excellent for list building, delivering your content to the target audience precisely when they express interest. Opting for an on-demand format, unless time-sensitive, remains both cost and time-effective. This allows the flexibility to present on-demand webinars as either simulated live events, promoting viewer interaction, or as pre-recorded videos, showcasing live webinar questions without viewer participation. 

Transcribe your webinar for powerful SEO (and post it with a recording):

To optimize your valuable webinar content, a full transcription is crucial. Transcribing your webinar proves highly beneficial for SEO, as per Google's guidelines. According to a study by Moz, transcribing content can increase organic traffic by up to 15%. Beyond the SEO advantages, having a transcription provides an inclusive option for individuals with hearing impairments who are interested in the webinar.

While you can choose to upload the transcription as a web page or a PDF, placing it directly on a web page offers distinct advantages. For instance, having the transcription alongside the video on the same page provides visitors with the flexibility to choose between watching and reading.

Upload slides to Slideshare:

Don't let your hard work on webinar slides go to waste; leverage Slideshare for sharing presentation slides online. Ideal for slides with detailed explanations, Slideshare allows for content visibility without audio. Even slides with minimal explanations can add value online. When uploaded, Slideshare automatically extracts text from slides, aiding viewers in finding content through keyword searches.

webinar slides

Website update:

A well-executed webinar serves as valuable content to be shared on your website. Incorporating the webinar, whether in full or excerpts, onto different pages enhances your website's informational and engaging aspects. Explore tactics to extract valuable snippets, craft engaging blog posts, and create compelling social media updates from your original webinar material. Given the significance of written keywords for SEO, accompanying video clips with written information about the covered topics is crucial.

Blog post or series creation:

Leverage the detailed content covered in your webinar to create one or more insightful blog posts. Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve positive ROI. (Source: HubSpot). Whether personally writing the posts or delegating the task to someone who transcribes and drafts them, the valuable content can be repurposed effectively. If you've already transcribed the webinar, the bonus is using the same transcription for drafting informative blog posts.

Create a downloadable guide, whitepaper, or ebook:

Utilizing your webinar content to develop an additional downloadable resource, such as a guide, whitepaper, or ebook, proves advantageous, especially if you've previously blogged about the webinar topic. Crafting a whitepaper or ebook from scratch can be challenging, but using your webinar as a guide streamlines the process. Whether undertaking this task personally or delegating it to someone who can transcribe and transform the content into a valuable written asset, it's essential to leverage the transcription efficiently for all written assets.

Utilize webinar Q&A for your FAQ page:

Capitalizing on the questions posed during the webinar's Q&A session provides an opportunity to enhance your FAQ page and generate more blog posts. Addressing common questions on the FAQ page while using others to inspire individual blog posts ensures a continuous flow of valuable content. Each question could become a dedicated blog post, or you could create a comprehensive "Now You Know" post addressing multiple questions. Such blog posts serve as excellent material to share on social media platforms through strategic links.

webinar QnA

Develop an infographic:

Given the wealth of information and statistics shared during the webinar, repurpose this content by creating an engaging infographic. Utilize the research and information already compiled to visually present key insights and data.

Generate micrographics:

Transforming infographics into bite-sized standalone images, known as micrographics, allows for easy online sharing. These concise visuals serve as effective tools to redirect audiences back to the full infographic or the original webinar.

Podcast or live stream:

Repurpose your webinar content by creating an audio version for your podcast or reaching a different audience through live streaming. Whether broadcasting most of the webinar content via live stream or highlighting key points and encouraging the live audience to explore the full webinar through a provided link, both approaches extend the reach of your valuable content.

Present content at a conference or tradeshow:

Leverage the audiovisual nature of webinars by submitting your name and material to conferences or tradeshows, offering the opportunity to present to an in-person audience. While delivering presentations in front of a live audience may require some practice, the groundwork of creating the presentation is already completed.

Highlight reel:

a. Webinar introduction:

Enhance your webinar experience by creating a highlight or sizzle reel to entertain participants while they join the session. Utilize past webinar content to craft the perfect introduction that captures attention and sets the tone.

b. Event introduction:

If you plan to speak at an event, repurpose your webinar footage to create an engaging introductory video as you approach the stage, seamlessly integrating your webinar content into live events.

Use shorter video clips for email campaigns, newsletters, and social media posts:

a. Email campaigns:

Maximize your content for email campaigns by incorporating short video clips from your webinar. Tailor the clips to cater to leads at different stages of the funnel, creating a drip campaign that delivers high-quality content over an extended period.

b. Newsletters:

Integrate webinar content into internal and/or external newsletters to showcase and deliver valuable insights to subscribers. Similar to email campaigns, consider featuring video clips from the webinar throughout a series of newsletters.

c. Social media posts:

Optimize your webinar content for social media by breaking it into smaller, engaging video chunks. Share insights, tips, or teasers with your online audience, capitalizing on the strong performance of video content on social platforms.

With Snackable Content Hub’s Video Shorts, you have a library of ready-to-share video clips that highlight the best moments of your webinar that you can use in post-webinar campaigns, sales meetings, and on social media. These videos are editable, and brandable 1-minute clips that enable you to by-pass the traditional video production process.

Webinar social media promotion

Build an online course:

Utilize past and future webinars to build a comprehensive content library for an online course. A Multimedia Hub provides an effective platform, allowing you to gate specific content while leaving others open. Monitor content performance and viewer interactions to bundle insights and create an impactful online course on your expertise.

Create a video series:

Transform a single webinar into two video series segments, planning for the long term with multiple webinars or dedicated studio time for filming. Strategically plan your webinar program to produce segments that seamlessly transition into your video series. Use webinars as a testing ground for series ideas, gauging audience reactions, gathering questions, and assessing general interest before full-scale production.

Create a lead magnet:

Transforming your webinar into a lead magnet is effortless, especially if it's gated, as it inherently serves that purpose. However, even with ungated webinars, you can effectively use them to discover new leads or expand your email list. Achieve this by converting webinar insights into a downloadable guide or providing supplementary documents as valuable resources

Elevate your webinar strategy using AI-driven content repurposing techniques

View your webinars not as one-and-done events but as ongoing opportunities. Numerous post-webinar tactics exist to sustain communication with your audience and enhance conversion rates after the live event concludes. You can either implement all these post-webinar strategies or select the ones that align best with your business objectives. The key is to ensure that your webinar remains a valuable asset, continuously working for you even beyond the live event. Whether you want to trim the AI-generated shorts or craft brand-new ones from scratch, it's all doable right within the Hubilo webinar platform.

What if you could skip the tedious process of watching and rewatching your webinar videos to generate post-event content? Allow us to introduce Hubilo’s Snackable Content Hub.

Hubilo’s Snackable Content Hub

Hubilo’s Snackable Content Hub empowers you with AI auto-generated shareable content, creating an entire content library immediately after your webinar including post-event video shorts, emails, ebooks, social posts, and blogs that you can leverage to continue building momentum with your target audience.

Our Snackable Content Hub automates the content repurposing process, instantly transforming your webinar into bite-sized content pieces (video snippets, blogs, infographics, social posts, and more!) that are ready to be shared across multiple channels.

Request a demo today to experience the full potential of Hubilo's capabilities and how it can enhance your webinar success.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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