Webinar Evaluation

Mastering Event Evaluation: A B2B SaaS Marketer's Guide to Webinars and Virtual Events

Discover the ultimate guide to event evaluation for B2B SaaS marketers. Dive into the nuances of pre-event, mid-event, and post-event evaluations to ensure impactful outcomes and continuous improvement.
June 12, 2024

Welcome to your ultimate guide to event evaluation! If you're here, you're likely immersed in the world of B2B SaaS marketing and striving to optimize your webinar and virtual event strategies. You've orchestrated successful events, and now you're ready to dive into the analytics to ensure future endeavors are even more impactful. Let's embark on this journey together, dissecting the evaluation process for both virtual and hybrid events.

Understanding Event Evaluation

Event evaluation is the compass guiding us through the labyrinth of event planning and execution. It's not just about the event day itself; it encompasses the entire lifecycle from generating interest and capturing intent to repurposing content and unlocking ABM. By dissecting every facet of our events, we unearth valuable insights that pave the way for continuous improvement.

Why Does Event Evaluation Matter?

Event evaluation isn't a mere formality; it's the cornerstone of progress in the realm of B2B SaaS marketing. Here's why it's pivotal:

Enhancing Future Events:

  1. The crux of event evaluation lies in leveraging past experiences to refine future endeavors. By pinpointing areas for improvement, we sculpt richer, more engaging experiences that resonate with both our company and attendees.

Brand Perception:

  1. Your event isn't just a standalone occurrence; it's a reflection of your brand. Through meticulous evaluation, we glean firsthand insights into attendee perceptions, shaping our brand narrative and fostering deeper connections.

Goal Alignment:

  1. Evaluation serves as the litmus test for goal attainment. Did we hit our registration targets? How did our marketing efforts translate into attendance? By scrutinizing these metrics, we gauge the efficacy of our strategies and pivot accordingly.

Pro tip: Ensure your tools integrate with your marketing tech stack, especially your CRM! 

When to Evaluate Events

The evaluation journey unfolds across three key phases:

Pre-Event Evaluation:

  1. As we lay the groundwork for our event, we delve into pre-event evaluation. From venue selection to speaker lineup, every decision is scrutinized through the lens of our objectives. Additionally, engaging our audience for feedback ensures alignment with their preferences, whether they crave captivating virtual experiences or crave in-person interactions.

Mid-Event Evaluation:

  1. Amidst the event buzz, we maintain a vigilant eye on proceedings. It's the perfect juncture to assess what's resonating with attendees and where we can fine-tune our approach. Real-time monitoring empowers us to address any hiccups swiftly, nurturing seamless experiences.

Post-Event Evaluation:

  1. Once the curtains close, it's time for comprehensive reflection. We meticulously dissect every aspect of the event, from budget allocation to marketing ROI. By distilling these insights, we glean invaluable lessons to inform future strategies.

Types of Evaluation

In our quest for enlightenment, we navigate two distinct evaluation avenues:

Qualitative Evaluation:

Qualitative feedback offers a nuanced understanding of attendee sentiments. Through online and offline surveys, we extract candid perspectives on speaker performance, registration experiences, and overall event satisfaction. This qualitative goldmine fuels collaborative efforts towards enhancing future engagements.

Quantitative Evaluation:

Numbers don't lie, making quantitative evaluation indispensable. From pre-event ticket sales to post-event ROI, we meticulously track key metrics to ascertain our event's financial efficacy and audience engagement levels.

10 Steps to Measure Your Success

Embark on your evaluation odyssey armed with these indispensable tactics:

Embrace SMART Goals:

  1. Align your event objectives with the SMART framework—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound—to anchor your evaluation efforts in clarity and precision.

Benchmark Against Competitors:

  1. Gauge your event's performance against industry peers to glean actionable insights and fortify your competitive edge.

Maintain Observational Vigilance:

  1. Stay attuned to attendee experiences throughout the event, capturing observations to inform post-event analysis.

Solicit Live Feedback:

  1. Direct engagement yields invaluable insights. Empower your staff to canvass attendee feedback onsite, enriching your understanding of event dynamics.

Leverage Post-Event Surveys:

  1. Harness the power of post-event surveys to extract candid feedback on all facets of the event, from branding to registration processes.

Harvest Media Mentions:

  1. Monitor press coverage and social media chatter to gauge the event's resonance within your industry ecosystem.

Analyze Social Media Engagement:

  1. Dive into social media analytics to gauge audience sentiment and measure the event's digital footprint.

Track Attendee Attendance:

  1. Don't overlook the basics—meticulously track attendance figures to ascertain the event's reach and impact.

Monitor Event Budget:

  1. Maintain a vigilant eye on budgetary allocations, reconciling expenses against revenue to gauge event profitability.

Conduct Team Debriefs:

  1. Foster a culture of continuous improvement by soliciting team feedback, harnessing collective insights to refine future event strategies.

In Conclusion

Armed with these insights, you're primed to navigate the labyrinth of event evaluation with finesse. By embracing a holistic approach, you'll unearth invaluable insights that fuel perpetual growth and innovation. Here's to crafting unforgettable webinar experiences that resonate with your audience and propel your brand to new heights!


Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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