webinar CTA - register

Maximizing Registrations: Are You Using the Right CTAs for Your Webinar?

Are you struggling to get enough attendees for your webinars? It might be time to rethink your CTAs. This guide will show you how to use compelling calls-to-action to boost registrations and engagement.
May 9, 2023

Webinars are a great way to engage your audience, build your brand, and drive conversions. However, with compelling webinar calls to action (CTAs), your webinars may succeed in achieving their full potential. CTAs are essential to any webinar strategy as they help guide attendees toward taking the desired action. 

Calls to Action (CTAs) are the messages displayed on buttons or links that prompt your attendees to take a specific action. They are essential because they guide your attendees toward the desired outcome. Whether registering for a future webinar, downloading a white paper, or signing up for a free trial, CTAs are crucial in driving engagement and conversions. However, it is essential to use the right calls to action (CTAs) to ensure that your webinars achieve their full potential.

Why are webinar CTAs important?

CTAs, or "calls to action," are important for webinars because they provide a clear next step for attendees after the event. It’s estimated that 83% to 93% of leads come from anchor text & internal link CTAs. Effective CTAs can impact the success of your webinar by encouraging attendees to take the specific and desired action that aligns with your overall goals for the event. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, a CTA that prompts attendees to fill out a contact form or sign up for a demo can help you achieve that goal. Similarly, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, a CTA encouraging attendees to share the event on social media can help spread the word to a broader audience.

CTAs also help measure the success of your webinar. By tracking the number of clicks or conversions on your CTAs, you can better understand how engaged your audience was and how effective your messaging was at driving action. You can use this data to refine your future webinars and improve their effectiveness.

10 tips for using the right webinar CTAs

Here are some tips to ensure you're using the right CTAs on your webinars:

1. Be clear and concise

Your webinar CTA should be easy to understand and should clearly communicate the action you want attendees to take. Ensure your language is simple and direct so attendees know what to do to take advantage of your offer. For example, instead of saying "Learn More," try using "Register Now" or "Sign Up Today." 

2. Place CTAs strategically

Placing your CTA in the right locations can help boost engagement and conversions. For example, include a CTA on your webinar registration page to encourage attendees to sign up, or add a CTA in your post-webinar follow-up email to encourage attendees to take the next step.

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3. Use a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can help motivate attendees to take action quickly. Use language emphasizing limited-time offers or deadlines, such as "Limited Time Offer" or "Register Before Time Runs Out."

4. Offer value

Ensure that the CTAs offer something valuable to attendees, such as exclusive content, a free trial, or a discount on your products or services. Make sure your offer is relevant and appealing to your target audience.

discount on your products or services

5. Test and refine

Test different CTAs and placements to see what works best for your target audience and adjust accordingly. Using different methods of placements, such as in-text or as buttons can have a big effect. According to data compiled by Affiliatiz, making CTAs look like buttons can lead to a 45% boost in clicks. Use A/B testing to compare different approaches and refine your strategy based on what drives the most engagement and conversions.

6. Personalize

Personalizing your CTAs can make them more relevant and appealing to your audience, increasing the likelihood of them taking action. It can lead to higher attendance rates, engagement, and conversions for your webinar. HubSpot reports that personalized CTAs can result in a 202% increase in conversions.

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

7. Create a sense of exclusivity

Using language that creates a sense of exclusivity, such as "Exclusive Access" or "For Members Only," can help make your offer more appealing to attendees. It can create a sense of urgency and encourage attendees to take action quickly.

8. Use contrasting colors

Use contrasting colors for your CTA buttons to make them stand out and draw attention. It can make your CTA more visible and increase engagement.

9. Use action-oriented verbs

Use action-oriented verbs such as "Register," "Download," or "Join" to create a sense of urgency and motivate attendees to take action. Make sure your language is clear and concise, and avoid passive language that may be less compelling. Best-performing CTAs begin with action verbs, like "Register."

Action oriented webinar call-to action - register

10. Use Multiple CTAs

Including multiple webinar CTAs can help ensure attendees have various opportunities to take action. For example, include a CTA in your opening slide, during the presentation, and in your closing remarks. It will help increase engagement and conversions by providing attendees with multiple opportunities to take action.

Frequently asked questions about CTAs for webinars

1. What is a CTA in the context of webinars?

A CTA for webinars is a specific action you want your audience to take, typically related to registering for or attending the webinar. It can also include post-webinar actions like downloading resources or making a purchase.

2. Why are CTAs important for webinar promotion and engagement?

CTAs guide your audience on what steps to take next. They drive registrations, encourage participation, and help you achieve your webinar's goals.

3. What are some effective CTAs for webinar registration pages?

Effective CTAs for registration pages include "Register Now," "Save Your Spot," "Sign Up," or more specific phrases related to your webinar's topic or benefits.

4. Can I use multiple CTAs on a webinar landing page, or should I focus on one primary CTA?

While it's common to have one primary CTA for registration, you can also use secondary CTAs to offer additional resources or direct users to related content on the same page.

5. How can I create a compelling CTA for my webinar registration page?

Make your CTA concise, action-oriented, and value-driven. Use persuasive language that highlights the benefits of attending the webinar.

6. When should I include the CTA on my webinar landing page?

Place the primary CTA prominently above the fold (visible without scrolling) to maximize visibility and encourage immediate action. Additional CTAs can be placed strategically throughout the page.

7. What should the CTA button look like to stand out and encourage clicks?

Use contrasting colors to make the CTA button stand out. Ensure it's large enough to be easily clickable on both desktop and mobile devices.

8. Can I use CTA buttons within my webinar presentation slides?

Yes, including CTA buttons within your presentation slides can be effective for encouraging real-time actions like downloading resources or visiting your website.

9. How can I create an effective CTA for post-webinar actions, such as downloading resources or making a purchase?

Post-webinar CTAs should be clear and tie directly to the webinar content. For example, "Download the eBook," "Request a Demo," or "Buy Now."

Use webinar CTAs effectively in your next event 

By strategically incorporating CTAs throughout your webinar, you can drive engagement, nurture leads, and ultimately achieve your goals for the event. By doing so, you can guide attendees towards taking the desired action and drive results for your business.

Adding CTAs to your webinar landing page is crucial in driving attendance and engagement for your event. It is important to ensure that your CTAs are strategically placed, easily visible on the landing page, and aligned with your webinar's goals to gain new registrations. Fortunately, with Hubilo's Landing Page Builder, you don't need to be a technical expert or use additional software to create a powerful landing page for your event. You can easily create multiple versions of your landing page for different stages of your event and add various elements, such as banners, images, forms, CTA buttons, and more, to meet your specific needs and achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn how to create landing pages for your webinars and events with Hubilo Landing Page Builder.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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