
The Metaverse: What Does it Mean for the Events Industry

Discover How The Metaverse Works, And How To Successfully Host Your Virtual Event! Learn How To Create Fun And Engaging Experiences For Your Guests!
April 4, 2023

The Metaverse: What Does It Mean For The Event Industry? 

Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. But the metaverse has burst onto the scene and is changing the way events are hosted. Since the beginning of the pandemic, meetings, corporate events and even learning in school were moved to a virtual platform. Employees within their company and even students could gather safely while still learning and getting their jobs done. The metaverse has taken that one step further with immersing themselves into a new virtual reality. 

What Is The Metaverse? 

The metaverse is somewhat of a broad term, but it refers to a 3D and digital world that can be accessed with computers, any kind of mobile device and virtual reality (VR) simulators. The metaverse allows you to not only work, but also play and interact with others, all with a personalized avatar! All types of communities (corporate, gaming, social media, etc.) come together to work and play through a digital platform. The metaverse will always be there, and you can return to it whenever you want and need! 

What Does The Metaverse Mean For Events?

Events are moving to the metaverse at a rapid rate! In the past, when planning a meeting or conference, one challenge that always seemed to present itself was finding a space to hold all of your attendees. With the metaverse, you’re able to host an unlimited number of people at your event. Anyone from anywhere in the world can join your event, and they are immediately right in the middle of the action! When using the metaverse, along with your personalized avatar, you’re able to create your own unique viewing experience, rather than everyone seeing the same video on their computer screen. Changing the way events are run will be beneficial for everyone, as they can customize their event experience. 

How Does The Metaverse Work?

The metaverse can work in a variety of ways. When looking at the metaverse from a corporate standpoint, hosting events like conferences, meetings and trade shows has never been easier! Setting up your avatar and actually walking through a trade show and stopping at different booths will have you feeling like you really are there! Your avatar lets you interact and socialize with others within the metaverse. One of the original metaverse platforms, called Second Life, allowed people to buy and sell items, such as clothes and furniture, to one another. Interacting with one another and doing business in the virtual world is a new way to live! 

5 Benefits Of The Metaverse Within The Event Industry

The metaverse can be confusing for some, but it doesn’t have to be! Just like working from home and joining meetings virtually, the metaverse has its benefits, especially within the event industry! Whether your event is for the corporate world or gaming community, the benefits of the metaverse will greatly impact everyone. 

  1. New and Exciting Technology

With the use of virtual reality and creating your own avatar, the excitement of something new will create great morale for your employees. Virtual reality headsets will put you right in the middle of the event, making it feel like you are really there! The buzz around using the metaverse and this new technology for events will generate excitement and hopefully generate more participation within attendees! 

  1. Easily Customizable 

With the metaverse, companies are able to use the platform to customize their business plan and tailor it to fit the event. Companies are also able to design their own features and content within the platform. Making the metaverse space feel comfortable and useful will help your attendees better navigate this new platform. 

  1. Accessibility

Having a completely virtual platform, anyone is able to join the event from anywhere in the world! If your company is a corporate company, and you wanted to plan a gathering for everyone, the metaverse helps to gather your employees safely. People may still not feel comfortable gathering with others and the metaverse helps them experience events from wherever they are. Metaverse events are also able to be joined from a computer or a smartphone- just click a link and you’re ready to go! 

  1. Reusable Event Space 

As you build and plan for your event within the metaverse, keep in mind that your space is customizable as well as reusable! The software stays active as you use it, and can be used again for future events! If you need to change the event space in any way, you have the functionality to do that! 

  1. No Space Restrictions 

Concerts are growing in popularity in the metaverse. One challenge with concerts not held in the metaverse is the space. Larger, more popular artists will try to perform at the largest venue in each city, but yet, there are still people who can’t acquire tickets. When you host a concert in the metaverse, the number of attendees is unlimited and everyone is able to have a front row seat. 

4 Challenges Associated with The Metaverse

With all things in the digital world, there are challenges that will present themselves. Like navigating our way through working at home, the metaverse has kinks and glitches that need to be worked through. Having patience and learning to work through these challenges will help you and everyone else have a great metaverse experience. 

  1. Connectivity 

Most homes and/or offices have access to high speed internet, but do keep in mind that some people may not. Internet connections aren’t always reliable, and we need to take that into consideration. Working through internet issues is all a part of the learning curve that comes with working in the metaverse. 

  1. Adapting To New Technology 

Just about everyone understands how to use a computer nowadays. Understanding how to use new metaverse technology, like a VR headset might not come easy for everyone. Creating visual guides such as tutorial videos will help everyone get a better understanding on how to experience your event in the metaverse. 

  1. Identity Hacking 

In the online world, not only with the metaverse, but also with social media, email, etc. you are at risk for identity hacking. If this does happen, it can potentially cause chaos in both your virtual world and your real world. When it comes to security in the metaverse, spotting the difference between real identities and hackers will be difficult, but will help to reduce identity theft. This is one part of the metaverse that you should not cut corners on. 

  1. Building Unique Experiences 

The metaverse is quickly becoming the new way to host events, meetings and conferences. The metaverse gives you an opportunity to create a unique and one of a kind event. Organizers might also be struggling with the use of new technology, just like everyone else. Training for event organizers may be extensive and require a large budget. Once organizers are trained to create a unique event, this issue will be easier to work through. 

What Types Of Events Can Be Hosted In The Metaverse? 

No matter what industry you’re in, there is an event that can be held within the metaverse. With your avatar, you’re able to attend events as if you were actually there in person. Events on a larger scale like conferences and seminars can easily be held through a metaverse platform. Metaverse events may include: 

  • Trade Shows
  • Product Launches
  • Networking Events
  • Gaming Events
  • Award Functions
  • Job Fairs
  • Entertainment Events

These events may require a lot of planning, just like hosting these events in person. But with an engaged audience and positive feedback from that audience, you will have a better understanding of how rewarding the events were and what you can do better for next time. 

How To Get Started Hosting Events In The Metaverse

Just like planning an event in the real world, planning a metaverse event comes with trial and error and a few steps to follow in order to create a great event. 

  1. Establish Your Goals

Your goal for your event should be attainable for your company. Also, focus on the goals of your attendees and what they wish you to accomplish at the end of your event. Knowing what their goals and expectations are will help you to plan your event. 

  1. Make A Connection

Keeping your attendees engaged is a challenge for events in the metaverse. Hosting a Q&A session or a fireside chat at a conference will help to make a connection between your attendees and any guest speakers you may hire. Making that personal connection, in both worlds, will help bring everyone together and it will help with attendance for your next event. 

  1. Selecting The Right Venue

While you’re not physically attending events, your event still needs to have a place to be held. There are virtual platforms that are better suited for certain events. Auditorium events are better for hosting panels, conferences and seminars, while expo halls are great for trade shows, job fairs and networking events. 

4 Tips For Event Success In The Metaverse

Tracking your success within your metaverse event will help you improve any future events. Building a strong community of guests who will be willing to return to any future event is all part of networking! These 4 tips will help you succeed with your event! 

  1. Engagement

When creating a guest list, pay attention to the likes and dislikes of your audience. With this information, you are able to create an event that caters to your audience. In turn, your audience will remain engaged and interested throughout your event and will be more inclined to return to another event. From speaking to your guests one-on-one to gathering in small groups and learning more about one another, audience engagement will let event organizers better understand their guests on a personal level. 

  1. Feedback

Sending out a post-event survey to your audience will help to better understand if the event was a success. Not only can you ask questions about the event itself, but you can also ask questions about the metaverse. People may not enjoy the use of metaverse events, being unfamiliar with the new technology, or any of the challenges it comes with. By sending out this survey, you are able to find out how your guests truly feel and make changes for the next event. 

  1. Pay Attention To Attendance 

When planning your events, be sure to pay attention to the attendance of each event, especially as time goes on. If you see that your attendance has been lower compared to events in the past, it might be time to change up your events. Having the ability to change your events to cater to your audience is a great way to engage employees and retain an audience! 

  1. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Creative

Anything is possible when it comes to metaverse events! You’re able to create any type of environment, even with your company logo branded on everything! Creativity allows you to express yourself and make a fun and inviting event for your guests! The more creative you are with your event, the more your guests are going to remember it and will want to come back for more fun events! 

5 Metaverse Event Examples 

As we have seen, thanks to the rise in virtual events, almost any event can be hosted in the metaverse. Metaverse events can be formal and informative, or more laid back and casual. These metaverse events will be a great time for everyone. 

  1. Comedy Shows 

As stated earlier when it comes to concerts, comedy shows also have fans that want to attend, but might not be able to get tickets. By hosting a comedy show in the metaverse, you are able to reach a larger audience. Selling tickets to a virtual event is easy, and hosting a show is even easier! Providing your guests with a link after they purchase tickets to your comedy show will keep everything organized and the audience can enjoy the show! 

  1. Exercise Classes

With the rising popularity of virtual exercise classes, such as spin classes and yoga, metaverse exercise classes are easy to host! From the comfort of your own home, you are able to sign into the metaverse class with your avatar, and socialize with everyone in your class, just like you would in a real world gym class. You are able to get in a great workout, all while staying at home and staying safe. 

  1. Job Fairs 

Everyone knows how useful job fairs can be, and you may not be able to actually attend in person, for a number of reasons. Job fairs in the metaverse allow you to step foot into the job fair with your game face on, ready to gather information about a potential new career. With your avatar, you are able to customize their outfit to make yourself look professional as you walk from booth to booth, chatting with potential employers. 

  1. Gaming Competitions 

This seems to be the biggest category for the metaverse, as people from all across the globe come together to play video games of all kinds. With the use of headsets and virtual reality goggles, you can connect with your teammates to win the game. Video games of all kinds can be played through the metaverse, from sports games, to battle royal games to even board games! 

  1. Graduation Ceremonies

In 2020, we saw the heartbreak that came along with students in college, high school and even elementary students when they could not receive a proper graduation ceremony. With a metaverse graduation ceremony, everyone from the graduates to the families and all of the teachers and professors are able to attend. Another challenge that comes with in-person gradation ceremonies is the number of people allowed for each graduating student. Usually only 3-5 tickets are permitted for each student, and they might have more people who want to watch them cross the stage. In the metaverse, each student is allowed to have everyone in their family watch them receive their diploma and no one feels excluded! 

Create A Metaverse Event To Remember

Now that you have all of the information on how to plan a metaverse event, you are ready to get started! 3D events are growing in popularity, for any events that involve gathering people! Knowing what works for your target audience is how you can plan for your event and they will be engaged throughout your event. New-age technology comes along with the metaverse, like VR headsets. These headsets transport you right to the action and you will be in your own world! Engaging with your guests and providing them with their interests and their likes will ensure that your event will be one they will remember forever.  

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