virtual conferences

Hosting Virtual Conferences in 2024

October 24, 2024

Virtual conferences have become a staple in modern event planning, offering a flexible and cost-effective way to connect with audiences worldwide. As 2024 comes to a close, they continue to evolve, blending cutting-edge technology with interactive experiences to create memorable, engaging events. Whether you're new to hosting virtual conferences or looking to refine your existing strategy, this guide covers everything you need to know.

What is a Virtual Conference?

A virtual conference is a digital event that brings people together online for discussions, workshops, presentations, and networking. The primary difference between a virtual and an in-person event is that the former can be organized from anywhere. This dramatically increases the reach of the said event. Where the attendees of an in-person event are usually limited to a particular geographic area, virtual conferencing entirely removes this constraint. 

They can be live, pre-recorded, or a mix of both, making them versatile for various purposes—from corporate meetings to educational summits. The essence remains the same: share knowledge, connect with people, and foster community, but through screens instead of physical stages.

Types of Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences come in several types, each designed to meet different needs. Here’s a look at some popular types you can consider for your next event:

1. User Conferences

If you want to engage your product users, a user conference is ideal. These events focus on teaching attendees about the latest features, best practices, and updates related to your product. You’ll get valuable insights through workshops and Q&A sessions with experts, helping you maximize your product's value.

2. Summits

Hosting a summit is a great way to gather industry leaders and experts to discuss important trends and challenges. With keynote speakers and panel discussions, you can provide your audience with insightful content. This format allows participants to learn from the best in the field and network with like-minded individuals.

3. Tradeshows

Virtual tradeshows are perfect for showcasing your products and services. You can create virtual booths where attendees can explore your offerings, chat with your team, and access promotional materials. This interactive format helps you connect directly with potential customers and generate leads.

4. Workshops

If you want to provide hands-on learning experiences, consider hosting a workshop. These interactive sessions allow participants to dive deep into specific topics. You’ll engage them with activities and discussions, making the learning process fun and effective.

By choosing the right type of virtual conference, you can create an engaging experience that meets the needs of your audience. Whether you want to educate, showcase products, or foster connections, there’s a format that fits your goals.

Now let’s look at some key features of virtual conferences.

Key Features of Virtual Conferences


Virtual conferences offer a variety of features that replicate and sometimes enhance traditional events. Here are the essential elements:

1. Inspirational Keynote Speakers

Just like physical conferences, virtual ones shine when they have influential keynote speakers. These sessions set the tone, inspire attendees, and attract registrations. A great keynote can elevate the entire event, giving attendees a reason to log in and stay engaged.

2. Educational Sessions and Workshops

Virtual conferences offer a variety of educational content, from hands-on workshops to in-depth seminars. You can invite a panel of industry experts to share their knowledge. Offering on-demand access after the event can help extend the educational value long after the conference ends.

3. Networking Opportunities

Networking remains one of the primary reasons people attend conferences, and it’s no different online. Through chat features, one-on-one video calls, and breakout rooms, virtual platforms have found ways to enable real-time networking. For instance, Hubilo’s interactive features let participants connect directly, ensuring that everyone can make meaningful connections, whether it's through instant messaging or scheduled video chats.

4. Virtual Exhibits or Trade Shows

Many virtual conferences include a virtual exhibit hall where companies can showcase their products and services. Exhibitors can create virtual booths with downloadable brochures, product demos, and live chats. Similar to an in-person expo, such virtual events will facilitate interaction between the attendees and the brands.

5. Interactive Experiences with Participation Incentives

Virtual conferences must keep audiences engaged, and one of the best ways to do that is through interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and gamification. Offering incentives like digital badges or certificates can encourage more participation. 

Using Hubilo’s immersive full-HD video and branded session options, your virtual conference will maintain a high level of professionalism and engagement, ensuring your audience stays connected throughout the event.

Now that we’ve covered the key features of virtual conferences, let’s explore why hosting one can be advantageous for both organizers and attendees.

Discover how Hubilo enhances key event elements for unparalleled engagement.

Advantages of Hosting Virtual Conferences

Hosting virtual conferences has numerous advantages, including lower costs. From reaching a wider audience to offering flexible attendance options, virtual conferences provide an elevated experience for attendees and hosts.

1. Broad Audience Reach and Increased Registration Numbers

Virtual conferences have no limit to the audience size, and that is their biggest advantage over in-person events. Unlike physical conferences, you can accommodate thousands of participants from all over the world, which means broader reach and increased registration. 

2. Affordability and Removal of Participation Barriers for Attendees

Hosting a physical conference involves venue fees, travel expenses, and accommodation costs. Virtual conferences eliminate many of these expenses, making them more affordable for both organizers and attendees. Plus, participants can join from the comfort of their homes or offices, lowering the barriers to participation.

3. Flexibility with Personalized Schedules and Session Recordings

One of the biggest draws of virtual conferences is the flexibility they offer. Attendees can pick and choose which sessions to join live and catch up on recorded sessions they might have missed. This personalized experience allows them to get more value out of the event without the pressure of missing key talks. 

Platforms like Hubilo enable organizers to offer both live and on-demand content, giving participants the freedom to engage at their own pace.

4. Cost-Effective Organization for the Host

Virtual conferences are nothing short of a boon for hosts as they can save a lot of money. Now, you don't have to think about all the costs associated with an in-person conference. 

Venue fees, cost of catering, and managing travel logistics are all eliminated if you host a virtual conference instead of a physical one. This frees you up to focus on more important things like creating better content and improving the user experience. Plus, many virtual platforms like Hubilo come equipped with built-in marketing tools, analytics, and audience engagement features, simplifying the process even further.

With the advantages laid out, the next step is planning a virtual conference that aligns with your goals and delivers a seamless experience.


Planning a Virtual Conference

Planning a Virtual Conference

Planning a virtual conference requires thoughtful preparation, from setting clear objectives to ensuring smooth execution. Here’s how you can organize a successful virtual event. 

Importance of Defining Clear Business and Attendee Goals

Before diving into logistics, it's crucial to set clear objectives. Ask yourself: What do you want to achieve from the virtual conference? Are you looking to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or provide educational content? 

Defining these goals will guide every decision, from selecting speakers to marketing strategies. Equally important is understanding what your attendees expect. Tailor your content to address their needs, ensuring they walk away feeling it was time well spent.

Determining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Success Metrics

To measure your conference’s effectiveness, you’ll need to define KPIs. Here are some common metrics, each with a brief explanation:

  • Registration Numbers: This indicates the number of people who signed up for your event. High registration numbers are a good sign of your marketing efforts’ success.
  • Attendance Rates: Compare the number of registrants to the actual number of attendees. This metric helps assess the effectiveness of your pre-event reminders and follow-ups.
  • Engagement Levels: Track how actively participants interact with your content during the event, such as through Q&A participation, polls, and chat activity.
  • Booth Visits: Monitor how often attendees visit sponsor or exhibitor booths. With Hubilo’s Interactive Booths, sponsors can set up branded virtual spaces that feature videos, product ads, downloadable content, and special CTAs. Track booth interactions to provide detailed insights into attendee interest and sponsor engagement.
  • Post-Event Surveys: Gauge attendee satisfaction and collect feedback for improvement. The insights gathered here are essential for refining future events.

Creating a Timeline and Budget

Start planning several months ahead and outline key milestones, such as speaker confirmations, platform testing, and the launch of marketing campaigns. Budgeting is another essential aspect that involves allocating funds for platform fees, content production, speaker fees, and promotional campaigns. 

Unlike in-person events, where venue costs can consume the budget, virtual events often leave more room for spending on marketing and digital enhancements, which can drive better engagement.

Building a Cross-Functional Team

A successful virtual conference requires the cooperation of several departments, including marketing, IT, customer support, and content teams. 

Collaborate with each department to form a cross-functional team of experts and assign them clear goals and responsibilities. Some hiccups along the way are natural, but they can be minimized if you choose the right technology. 

Hubilo makes planning a breeze with its quick setup, custom-branded registration pages, and automated email tools. Plan every detail of your virtual conference with minimal hassle, and focus on what matters most—creating engaging content for your audience.

Assembling the right team is just one piece of the puzzle; the tools and technology you choose are equally crucial to the overall success of your virtual conference.

Hubilo makes KPI tracking easy with its detailed analytics dashboard, allowing you to monitor registration numbers, attendee engagement, booth visits, and post-event feedback, ensuring you have all the metrics needed to assess your event’s success.

Utilizing Technology and Platforms

In virtual event planning, technology is more than just a tool—it’s the backbone of the entire experience. With the right tech in place, you can transform your virtual conference into an engaging and productive experience for all attendees.

Choosing a Virtual Conference Platform with Essential Features

The platform you select can make or break your virtual conference. Look for one that offers strong video conferencing, interactive tools (like polls and chat), and networking features. Advanced features such as breakout rooms and virtual booths can add depth to the experience, replicating the feel of a physical event. 

Hubilo Webinar+, for instance, offers these essential tools along with added benefits like real-time analytics and CRM integration to track attendee behavior.

Setting Up the Event Within the Chosen Platform

You can set up your event after choosing the platform that suits your needs. The best video conferencing platforms have advanced customization options that you can use to tweak the interface to match your branding. 

Most platforms also allow preloading of presentations, videos, and links, making event day smoother. Make sure to properly configure the technical aspects, like video quality and user permission.

Ensuring High Interactivity and Quality Production

It's relatively easy to captivate a viewer in a physical event, and participants can be easily distracted when a digital environment is concerned. That is where the role of a virtual conference host comes into play. 

You must maintain high levels of interactivity in the session to ensure other factors like good lighting, clear audio, and visually appealing slides aren't overlooked. Additionally, integrate features that invite participation, such as live polls and chat options. Conferences using Hubilo Webinar+ benefit from features like real-time audience engagement and interactive games.

Once the technical foundation is set, the next key to a successful event is delivering high-quality content that keeps attendees engaged.

Content and Engagement Strategies

Content and Engagement Strategies

Quality content is at the heart of every successful virtual conference. But in the virtual world, it’s not enough to just present information—you need strategies that actively engage your audience throughout the event. Here are a few ways to make sure your content shines and keeps participants invested.

Mapping Out Content with a Focus on Quality

There's one thing that's common to both in-person and virtual conferences, and that is high-quality content. Unless your content is not up to the mark and relevant to your audience, the virtual conference cannot be successful. 

The ideal approach is to map out a comprehensive agenda that is informative, engaging, and directly relevant to your audience’s needs. High-quality presentations, expert-led sessions, and interactive workshops are great ways to ensure your event stands out. 

Furthermore, you can consider recording these sessions for on-demand access, which can attract attendees who couldn’t join live.

Using Interactive Features to Engage Attendees

Engagement is the key to a successful virtual event. Unlike traditional conferences, where networking can happen naturally, virtual settings need a little extra push. Use interactive tools to encourage participation. 

For example, start sessions with a quick poll, use quizzes to reinforce learning, or incorporate breakout rooms for smaller group discussions.

One standout feature of Hubilo Webinar+ is its ability to shorten the lead nurture cycle through Conversion Prompts. With these prompts, you can easily identify attendees who are ready to move from being prospects to sales-qualified leads. 

Once a participant acts on a prompt—such as requesting a demo or signing up for more information—your sales team is notified instantly, allowing them to follow up immediately. This feature, combined with real-time engagement tools, ensures your audience stays engaged while also providing opportunities for instant conversions during the event.

Incorporating Feedback and Post-Event Analysis

The event might be over, but your work as the host isn't done. This is where you need to collect as much information as possible through means like surveys or even asking the attendees directly what they liked or disliked about the conference.

 You can also ask questions about what they would like to see in future events. Analyzing this data, along with metrics like session attendance and engagement levels, will help you refine future conferences. Hubilo Webinar+ enhances attendee participation through real-time engagement features like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat rooms. The platform also integrates conversion prompts to help you guide prospects through the funnel while keeping your audience engaged with immersive content and interactive sessions.

Now that content and engagement strategies are locked in, let’s explore how to enhance networking and sponsorship opportunities during your virtual conference.

Capture intent, catalyze action, and personalize comms to accelerate your pipeline with Hubilo’s interactive tools.

Facilitating Networking and Sponsorship

Virtual conferences offer exciting opportunities for attendees to network and for sponsors to engage directly with your audience. Providing ample networking options and leveraging sponsorships enriches the attendee experience and can serve as important revenue streams for your event.

Creating Diverse Networking Opportunities

Networking is one of the most valuable aspects of any conference, and for many hosts and attendees, it is the main reason they attend any event. Virtual conferences that offer features like instant messaging, one-on-one video chats, and breakout rooms for small group discussions are often highly successful from a networking point of view. 

Platforms like Hubilo Webinar+ excel at creating these networking opportunities. They offer tools that allow participants to exchange contact information, set up virtual coffee chats, and even join topic-specific lounges. 

Adapting Sponsorship Models for a Virtual Setting

Sponsorship remains a key revenue stream for conferences, and as a virtual event host, you can modify traditional methods to get the best of this model. Consider virtual booths where sponsors can showcase their products or branded breakout rooms where they can engage directly with attendees. Additionally, sponsors can be featured in pre-event marketing, email campaigns, and during the event itself. Hubilo makes it a lot easier by seamless integration of sponsor branding throughout the event, helping to maintain visibility and generate leads for sponsors, even in a virtual environment.

With strong networking and sponsorship strategies in place, let’s now turn to monetization strategies to maximize your event’s revenue potential.

Monetization and Revenue Strategies

While planning and hosting a virtual conference, developing a strategy for monetization is crucial. It can be through ticket sales, ads, or memberships. Such measures will help cover the cost of the current and possibly subsequent events as well.

Charging for Attendance or Offering Merchandise

The most straightforward way to monetize virtual conferences is by selling tickets but there are many different ways to go about this. You can offer tiered ticket options, providing basic access for free and charging for premium content, like exclusive workshops or downloadable resources. Or you can offer a standard ticket to all the attendees. Alternatively, selling branded merchandise or digital products (such as e-books or templates) is also an option worth exploring.

Selling Ad Space and Converting Attendees into Members

Another revenue strategy is to sell ad space within your virtual conference platform. Banner ads, sponsored breakout sessions, or product demos are a few choices. Some virtual conference organizers go for a subscription model. If your conference offers valuable content, it might persuade attendees to join your organization or subscribe to ongoing educational series. Virtual events also create an opportunity to convert passive attendees into long-term community members by encouraging them to sign up for regular updates, future events, or exclusive webinars.

Monetizing Post-Conference Content

Don’t let the event end when the live sessions do. Recordings of keynotes, workshops, and panel discussions can be sold as standalone courses or bundled into an on-demand package. This extends the shelf life of your content and allows people who missed the event to access the materials. 

Many platforms provide built-in tools for recording sessions, using which you can repurpose key moments into bite-sized content that can be shared, sold, or used to promote future events. 

With Hubilo, you can offer tiered ticket options, sell sponsorship packages, and monetize post-event content. Snackable Content Hub can repurpose webinars into blogs, video shorts, and more, extending the value of your event and generating additional revenue.


Virtual conferences are here to stay, offering an incredible opportunity to expand your reach and engage with a global audience. The flexibility, affordability, and scalability of virtual events make them an excellent choice for businesses. But how to maximize the impact of such conferences? One way is to use the right tools available in the market, like Hubilo Webinar+. From interactive networking to seamless sponsorship integration, these platforms offer everything you need to make your event a success. 

As we move further into 2024, embracing virtual conferences isn’t just about adapting to the digital age; it’s about thriving in it. Ready to get started? Try Hubilo Webinar+ and transform your next virtual event into an engaging, dynamic experience that participants will remember.

Virtual conferences are here to stay, offering incredible opportunities to expand your reach and engage with a global audience. Their flexibility, affordability, and scalability make them an excellent choice for businesses and organizations looking to connect with their audiences.

To maximize the impact of your virtual conference, focus on choosing the right format that aligns with your goals and your audience's needs. Whether you’re hosting a user conference, a summit, or a workshop, each type offers unique benefits that can enhance the experience for your attendees.

As you plan your next virtual event, focus on providing valuable content and making meaningful connections. Create an engaging, memorable experience that resonates with participants long after the event ends.

Get ready to transform your next conference into an exciting online experience that attendees will love!

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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