Nurturing Participants With Your Webinar Follow-Up Email

Updated on:
May 11, 2023
In this article

Webinar follow-up emails can turn participants into customers, but how?

Webinars are the way to go when you want to talk directly to the targeted audience. You have a webinar platform to engage your prospective customers directly, provide them with valuable content, directly answer questions, and begin nurturing a relationship with you as a trusted leader in your industry. It is no wonder why nearly 60% of marketers have said that webinars and virtual events produced some of the best marketing results for them over the past 12 months. 

However, an important part of planning these webinars comes down to your follow-up engagement. Let's dive into why you should write a webinar follow-up email and what makes an effective one.

Why write a webinar follow-up email?

Your follow-up email after a webinar is your chance to keep the conversation going. With a webinar, your goal is to bring in more paying customers and build your reputation as a trustworthy brand. The emails you send to your participants help you achieve your goals.

With an effective email strategy, you can:

  • Gather additional information about your customers
  • Build your brand reputation
  • Keep your brand fresh on the mind of customers
  • Capitalize on any conversion opportunities you may have built with the webinar

You want these emails to appear in lead inboxes when your amazing webinar is fresh in their minds. You put in the work to build excitement over your brand, so you aim to draw them in when the desire to learn more is fresh in their minds.

write a webinar follow-up email

Remember to think about this entire engagement process as a conversation with your customers. That means your emails can't sound like they come from a robot or an automated system. You want them to have that personal, friendly tone that sounds like it was written specifically by one of your team for that particular prospect. Let's talk about the types of follow-up emails for webinars and how you can write the copy your leads appreciate by looking at some post-webinar follow-up email examples.

Webinar follow-up email templates for each stage of the webinar sales funnel

You can use emails to help you across the webinar platforms. Emails can help you drive interest and engagement with your webinar to maximize your registrations and participation. 

Let’s explore some of the uses for webinar email sequences related to you and some webinar follow-up email templates you might use to create your messages.

Webinar follow-up email templates to drive more webinar registrations

You want to maximize the number of registrations you get, which means one of your first emails to build is one to encourage registration. View this email as a personalized invitation you send to leads to encourage them to come to your event. As many as 57% of registrations will come from emails, which makes drafting this message a valuable part of your overall promotional strategy. 

As you encourage people to register for your webinar, you might include sequences to encourage people to sign up in case they miss your initial email. Offer interesting tidbits of what they can expect during the event. You might also consider offering some deals and specials for those who register at a particular time. 

Webinar follow-up example

Hi [Name]!

I am following up on the email I sent you on Monday.

I am hosting a webinar on how to dive deeper into [X]. [Host] and [Special Guest] will join us and offer some incredible insight.

It will be an exciting conversation, and I think you will enjoy it.

Just click the link below to get your name added to the list!

I look forward to seeing you there,

[Sales Rep Name]

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

Webinar follow-up email templates to get higher show-up rates

As you begin collecting registrations, you also want to set up an email follow-up sequence to encourage people to attend the event. You will have some people who register but do not attend the event, and you want to minimize this to build the greatest participation for your webinar.

You might encourage people to participate in your event in various ways actively. Invite them to submit a question for presenters or to let you know what topics they want to cover the most. We have also seen success for businesses who create games or competitions for those who attend live, such as prizes in the form of discounts or bonuses for participating the most during the webinar. Let your registrants know the fun things you have in store for them.

Post Webinar Follow Ups And Thank Yous

Webinar follow-up email example

Hi [name]!

I was thrilled to see your name added to our guest list. The webinar on [X] this coming Tuesday will offer so much information, and I can’t wait to get started.

Even though [Guest Speaker] will already have so much insight for all of us, we want to ensure your questions are answered. So, I am reaching out to see if you have any topics or questions that you hope we will touch upon.

If so, please send me a quick note! All you have to do is respond to this email.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

[Sales Rep Name] 

Webinar follow-up email templates to increase webinar conversions

After the webinar, you want to send emails to encourage people to remain engaged with your brand and build relationships. After the webinar, your relationship is at its warmest, so this is your chance to capitalize on the budding relationship. We will explore some email sequences you can employ down below.

Webinar follow-up email example

Hi [Name]!

Thanks for attending our webinar on Tuesday. We covered so much ground, and the conversation was incredible!

I am passing along this link to the recording. 

This will make it so much easier for you to review the wealth of information from the hour.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks again for logging in!

[Sales Rep Name]

Webinar follow-up email templates for those who didn’t attend

You also want to make sure you reach out to those who did not attend your event in person. There can be various reasons why someone might have yet to be able to attend, but they are still potential quality leads. Reach out to them to offer material from the webinar and opportunities to engage with a professional on a 1-to-1 basis. See if they have any questions that might lead to good conversations. 

Webinar follow-up email example

Hi [Name]!

I was sorry you couldn't make it to our webinar on Tuesday, but I know that sometimes something comes up.

I wanted to ensure you didn’t miss out on everything we discussed.

Here is a link to the recording of our webinar! Make sure you check out [Guest Speaker]’s tips starting around minute 32. I think you'll get a lot out of them.

Let me know if you have any questions!

I also would love to chat with you for 20 minutes to get you up to speed on some of the insights we covered. Just click here to book a slot in my calendar!

[Sales Rep Name]

Types of follow-up webinar emails

Let's explore the emails you might send after a webinar in more depth.

Before we go any further in discussing webinar follow-up emails, it is important to note that there is a fine balance. On the one hand, you want to send only a few emails so you don’t irritate potential clients and clog up their inboxes. On the other hand, you want to capitalize on any opportunities you have created with your webinar. 

Therefore, we recommend sending 3-5 emails connected to each webinar. In most situations, this allows you to abide by this careful balance. Of course, carefully track your messages' open rates and engagement rates so that you can see how your recipients respond to your communications and tailor your sequences accordingly.

“Thank you for attending” email

The “Thank you for attending” email is the first one you send following an event. Many businesses opt to have this set up to automatically send as soon as the webinar is over, recognizing the participation of the recipient and letting them know that a recording will be available shortly to help them review all the valuable information.

Thank you for attending” email

What should the “Thank you for attending” email include?

In this email, you want to focus on making your registrants feel appreciated. Thank them for taking time out of their day to join you. You might summarize some of the key events and help them remember some of the great topics you went over and the value they received. Your goal here is to maintain their positive association with your brand.

The “Thank you for attending” email template

Hi [Name]!

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us for the webinar last [Day].

I hope you got as many tips out of it as I did.

My favorite tidbits were that:

  • [tip 1]
  • [tip 2]
  • [tip 3]

We will send the recording of the event shortly through another email.

It was great to see you!

[Sales rep name]

Second follow-up, with the recording

Next, you want to follow up with the registrant and inform them that the recording is available. You will probably send this email about a day after the webinar. Sending the recording makes it easy for people to come back and reference the conversation from the event. They can review the portions that offer them the most value. If they had to step out during part of the webinar to take care of something, they can see what they missed. The recording shows recipients that you are interested in helping them and further builds your reputation.

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What should this second follow-up email include?

This email should include the helpful resources you have from the event. You will have your recording, but sometimes businesses want to include transcripts for easier reading or presentation slides. 

Let your recipient know that you want to help them if they have any questions about the content. 

The second follow-up email template

Hi [Name],

As promised, attached is your copy of the recording from our webinar on [Day].

Let me know if you have any questions about all the material we discussed!

I love helping people find actionable ways to turn the insights from webinars into results.

Just hit reply to this email if you want to talk!

[Sales rep name]

Third follow-up with additional resources

A few days later, you want to send over an additional follow-up. We recommend sending something about 3 days after the event. Your webinar is still fresh enough in their minds that they are interested in the material, but you are also not overwhelming them with too much information too quickly.

In this email, you focus on building your reputation as an authority around the issue. Webinar attendees are 60x more likely to convert if a webinar is followed up with additional resources, and this is your chance to capitalize on that momentum. 

What should this third follow-up email include?

In this email, include a variety of resources your attendees might find helpful. For example, you might offer webinar summaries and takeaways. You may also send over resources like white papers or e-books you have written, tools they might want to try, or articles that can help them dive further into the concepts discussed. If you will offer additional webinars or other learning opportunities, promote them here.

As people engage with your content, encourage them to reach out to you with any questions. 

In this email, ask for feedback. Asking your attendees for feedback can be a great way to encourage active participation from your attendees and registrants. It encourages them to stay engaged and lets them know you value their input. You can also collect valuable insights about improving future events and increasing your attendance and engagement.

The third follow-up email template

Hi [Name],

After the webinar a few days ago, I have been thinking about [target topic]. 

I found myself reading [X Report] that we compiled just recently about [target topic] and found it has some great insights that aligned perfectly with everything we were just discussing.

I wanted to send it over right away. You will find it has some great information to complement what we're discussing.

I am including a couple of relevant blog posts that you will also find interesting.

Let me know if you have any questions!

[sales rep name]

Fourth follow-up regarding future events

About a week after the webinar, you will send your fourth follow-up. This email brings your future events to the attention of your leads. You want them to keep coming back to your brand when they want new information or as they evaluate different solutions to their pain point.

Fourth follow-up regarding future events

What should this fourth follow-up email include?

In this email, highlight events that will be particularly relevant to someone who attended your most recent webinar. Consider the buyer personas that participated and the types of content most likely to interest them moving forward.

Make your future events sound enticing for your prospects, and continue building yourself as an industry authority.

The fourth follow-up email template

Hi [Name],

I know the importance of [general target topic] for businesses like yours. 

That is why we have several more events coming up that you will find interesting.

On [Date], we are going to have a webinar to discuss [target topic]

Then on [Date], we will have another webinar to discuss [target topic].

Like last week's webinar, we will bring together some incredible guest speakers and leave you with actionable insights you can put to work.

Reserve your seats right here.

[Sales rep name]

Common elements to include in your webinar follow-up emails

As you write these emails, there are a few common elements that you will want to have in all of the text bodies. By including these points in your webinar follow-up emails, you can keep attendees engaged and motivated to take the next step while building strong relationships and increasing ROI.

Ready? Here they are:

Thanking your participants

Thank the attendees for attending the webinar and acknowledge their time and participation. 

Webinar takeaways

Include a summary of the main takeaways from the webinar to refresh attendees' memories and reinforce the value of the event.

A clear CTA

Write every email with a particular goal in mind. For example, you target registrations for a webinar, download more gated content, or set an appointment with a sales rep for a demo. Whatever your goal may be, make the CTA clear for your recipient. Let them know what they should do next.

Sixty-two percent of attendees from webinars will request a demo from sales following an event, which means you have incredible potential here. Make your CTAs strong, clear, and enticing. Include a clear call to action encouraging attendees to take the next step. Let them know you are here to help and answer their questions. 

Your company contact information

When a lead wants more information about your company, they want to avoid digging for the relevant contact number or email. Including generic phone numbers that send people to a phone tree or an email address that goes to a ‘webmaster’ instead of a specific person is also very impersonal. 

company contact information in a webinar follow-up email

Include your contact information and social media links so attendees can quickly contact or follow you for future updates and insights. It not only makes the email more personal, but it makes it easier for the prospect to ask their questions or get clarification if the need arises. Quick links make it easy for recipients to follow you on your active platforms, receiving updates about your business and upcoming events you will host.

Personalized content

Personalize the content of your follow-up emails so that each recipient knows the message written is exclusively for them. Address them by name, refer to specific questions they asked during the webinar, and make relevant suggestions based on their interests or needs.

Relevant resources

Always look for ways to build engagement with your email recipients. Their attendance at the webinar gives you some insight into their interests. Provide attendees with links to additional resources or materials related to the topic covered in the webinar, such as blog posts, e-books, whitepapers, webinar recordings, and presentation slides.

Upcoming events

If your company regularly hosts webinars and other events, you can include a list of upcoming events at the bottom of your messages. Include a link to the registration page. This way, your information is shared with your existing audience, who look forward to attending more valuable events.

Feedback request

Let your attendees know that you value their opinion on the webinar you presented. Ask for feedback on the webinar and invite attendees to share their thoughts and suggestions in your emails. Use this information to continue to improve the quality of the webinars you offer.

Ask for feedback on the webinar

Choosing the right email subject line

Writing an outstanding email is one thing, but you must also ensure your recipients open the message. Your webinar follow-up email subject line is gold. You want a personalized subject that captures the attention of your lead. Not only does an outstanding subject line like this capture attention, but it also reduces the chances of your message getting marked as spam.

Examples of webinar follow-up email subject lines

A good subject line will sound like you wrote your post-webinar follow-up email specifically for that individual. Here are some examples that you can use.

  • [First Name], Here are the bonus materials I promised you Thursday
  • [First Name], Sorry to see you missed the webinar on Thursday
  • [First Name], What did you think about our webinar?
  • [First Name], Here is a recording for you from the webinar on Thursday

Using these webinar follow-up email templates to increase ROI

Using a webinar follow-up email is a powerful tool for increasing ROI and maximizing the impact of your webinar. Crafting personalized messages can help you take your event marketing and webinars to the next level. You will have more opportunities to engage with your potential clients and entice them into what your business offers, making your webinar even more successful. By providing attendees with a recap of the key points, offering additional resources and materials, and including a clear call-to-action, you can keep attendees engaged and motivated to take the next step. Additionally, by sharing upcoming events and offering to answer any questions, you can build relationships with attendees and turn them into loyal customers or clients.

To simplify creating and sending effective webinar follow-up emails, you can leverage Hubilo's email marketing engine, which offers a user-friendly and customizable platform. With a variety of templates and automation options, you can quickly and easily create personalized and effective follow-up emails that drive results. You can also get detailed analytics and reporting, allowing you to track the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions. You can track open rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics to understand what's working and what's not. Staying on top of your personalized, targeted email sequences has always been challenging to keep your leads engaged and maximize your webinar attendance. By leveraging Hubilo's email marketing engine, you can take your webinar follow-up emails to the next level and increase your ROI. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself? Request a demo now to see how it can work for you!

Your webinar follow-up emails are crucial tools for following up after a webinar. They offer a chance to keep the conversation with your audience going and turn leads into customers by providing additional content and resources, answering their questions, and guiding them through the webinar sales funnel. The right email follow-up strategy includes a sequence of emails, each with a clear purpose and call to action (CTA). From a "Thank you for attending" email to offering recordings and additional resources, these email templates are designed to nurture the relationship, provide value, and encourage further engagement with your brand.

It's essential to personalize your webinar followup emails to make the recipients feel valued and understood. Include a sample webinar follow up email in your strategy for better clarity on what to send. Also, leverage webinar platforms to make the most of your webinars. Tools like HubSpot could be used to automate some parts of the follow-up process, ensuring timely emailing and engagement.

The follow-up sequence can begin with a webinar template for "Thank you for attending" email, followed by a post-webinar email with the recording. Later emails can offer additional resources and information related to the webinar title and topics discussed. They can also provide inspiration for how to apply the knowledge shared during the webinar. Including a lists of upcoming events or a signature offering personal contact information adds a personal touch and keeps the full webinar experience fresh in the minds of the attendees.

Incorporating feedback requests in your webinar emails is also a smart move as it allows for continuous improvement and shows that you value the opinion of your attendees. Each email template should have a clear CTA to guide the recipients on what to do next, whether it's downloading a white paper, registering for an upcoming event, or scheduling a one-on-one meeting.

In sum, a well-planned follow-ups strategy with carefully crafted webinar email templates is a significant step towards converting webinar attendees into loyal customers.

effective webinar follow-up emails with Hubilo's email marketing engine

FAQs on Webinar Follow-Up Emails

What are webinar follow-up emails?

Webinar follow-up emails allow you to further engage with your target audience. Your webinar helped you present yourself as an expert in your industry and interest your leads. You can further engage your attendees with follow-up emails, inviting them to interact directly with your sales team. These personal conversations will help you bring in new customers.

How do you reach out to those that didn’t attend?

The best way to reach those who didn’t attend your event is to send a segmented email. Draft a personalized email that lets your attendees know that you missed them but you still want them to have access to the information and value provided by the webinar. You can invite them to view the webinar recording and interact with someone from your business in a 1-to-1 meeting. Just because someone didn’t attend the event does not mean they cannot become a well-qualified lead.

What is the best time to send the post-webinar follow-up email?

You should first contact your webinar attendees within a day of the event. This email gives you a chance to thank them for attending and to offer them access to the recording of the event. You can also send an additional email after a few days for more resources to keep learning about the topic. 

Why send a follow-up email after webinar attendance?

You want to send an email to attendees after the event so that you can keep the conversation going. The lead should have a positive impression of your brand right now, and the relationship is warm since they just registered and attended your webinar. Now, you can keep nurturing the relationship and offer more opportunities to learn about the topic and engage directly with our company, moving further down your sales funnel.

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