Write Virtual Event Script

7 Tips to Write an Effective Script for Virtual Event

Daniela McVicker
July 4, 2020

Do you have a virtual event coming up? Do you want everything to go smoothly? If that’s the case then you need a great script to back it up. Writing an awesome script will take off the pressure and make you more confident in the event’s outcome.

The script is like a map that will guide you through the event and take you in the right direction. Figuring out all the details in advance means that you won’t have to improvise and stress about what you should say or do next. It will also keep everyone on the same page and eliminate confusion and frustration.

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The following best practices will help you write an effective script that will make the audience returning attendees.

1. Use Conversational Language

The tone and the style of the script need to correspond to the tone of the event. However, even if you are presenting serious topics, the language needs to be understandable. Mix formal terms with conversational language for the best impact.

Natural language helps you connect with the audience and depict a closer relationship with attendees. Also, it will be easier to follow the script if you use conversational language.

Make the script more authentic by conversing with presenters and getting their input on their usual style of presentation. Feel free to adapt the script to different presenters. The conversational language will allow you to make those changes and execute the virtual event perfectly.

2. Keep It Concise

The best virtual events are those that are direct, concise, and straight to the point. The script needs to have the same characteristics. You won't have to worry about the audience getting bored if you keep it concise and relevant.

The most effective virtual event script has short sentences that make an impact on the attendees. Instead of beating around the bush, make each sentence count. Let the content carry a strong message throughout.

Let’s say that you want to include some stats and numbers to add a degree of credibility. Rather than explaining the process of getting the solution and sharing complicated numbers, just give the final result and its relevance to the topic.

event stats

Avoid going on and on about less engaging content such as sponsor’s company service or someone’s bio. Whenever you include a bio, keep it under a minute. Elements like that should be cut to a minimum. What needs to be written with care are the main topics of the event. That’s what deserves the most space in the script.

3. Add Bullet Points and Key Ideas

Lengthy scripts can only confuse your team. They can get lost among the numerous pages. Also, if the presenters get confused it will be harder to get back on track with all that text in front of them.

Use bullet points and express key ideas. Limit the script’s content to key phrases or concise sentences so that presenters can add their personality. Leave some space for the presenters to present the narrative in their own words.

The point of the script is not to predict every second of the event but to give the guidelines. Bullet points will make the script presentable and organized.

4. Make the Content Engaging

Is there anything worse than a dry, endless talk that makes you want to fall asleep? People who attend an event expect to learn something and be engaged as well. If they didn’t want interaction they would simply go on the internet and google the topic.

Event Content Enagagement

Increased event engagement means better event success. If people had a good time at the event they will want to do it again. If not, the next RSVP will be marked with “not attending.” Engagement is a path to people’s loyalty.

You can make the script engaging in different ways. For example, ask questions, even if they are rhetorical. Questions make the content seem audience-oriented. They give a sense that you care for the audience's opinions and thoughts.

Another way of turning a flat script into a fun experience is by using personal stories and experiences. This will make the script more memorable as people tend to remember personal stories more than generic information.

In case that writing engaging content isn't your strongest side, there is a solution. Use helpful writing tools or collaborate with a thesis writing company to help you create impactful and interactive content. Don’t be hesitant to admit when you need help.

5. List All the Elements

Ensure that you don’t skip any relevant parts of the presentation by including it all in the script. The script should give you cues on how to execute the event. The more information you include, the more organized your team will be.

Here are the important elements that great scripts have:

  • The name of files (list the media files you will use in the right order)
  • Cues for production (playing music, changing slides, etc.)
  • Unspoken cues (for example, a moment of silence for building anticipation)
  • Phonetic spelling (when there is a name or a term that is unusual or hard to pronounce)

These details will make the script more wholesome and decrease the chances of mistakes. You can’t avoid the unexpected but you can try to limit such moments.  Just follow the principle that whatever needs to happen should be noted through points.

6. Format the Script

Help your team and presenters to follow the script more easily by formatting it. Separate paragraphs, add blank spaces and use color coding and font diversity to segment different sections.

Colors are a good way of differentiating roles. They give an instant signal to the presenters what their section is or what follows after.

Event Script Format

On the other hand, different fonts can help you segment different parts of the event. The variation of fonts is also useful for emphasizing production cues and making the distinction between the cues and spoken word.

However, keep in mind that using too many colors and fonts can confuse people. Be moderate in their use.

7. Don’t Force Yourself to Memorize Each Word

The point of the scrip is to keep you on track. It’s not a fixed plan that you have to follow word for word. Make sure that everyone understands that.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make every word perfect and every column in its place. Focus on scrip’s purpose and that is creating content that presenters can refer to.

Your main goal is to connect all the dots that will round up the virtual event and make it a pleasant experience. The script should guide the presenters through the event and not act as a dictator. Leave room for improvisation. That will make the event seem more natural and genuine.

Final Words

Being in charge of the script for a virtual event is a big responsibility. Any signs of insecurity are normal and nothing to worry about. These tips on writing an awesome and helpful script will give you the boost of confidence you need.

It will be easier to handle the script if you know what’s crucial and what you need to be careful about. Therefore, with these tips on your hands, you’ll all set to write the perfect script for an online event.

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Daniela McVicker

Daniela McVicker is a passionate digital marketer. Daniela is interested in everything related to SEO and blogging. She contributes to <a href="https://essayguard.com/">Essayguard</a> where she shares her experience and helps marketers make their names in the online world.

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