Hashtags for Marketing Virtual Event

Hashtags That Can Help in Marketing Your Virtual Event

Ashley Lipman
October 12, 2020

From helping you organize the event, to helping to spread the word, hashtags can be a valuable tool for virtual event organizers. 

By choosing the right hashtag, looking at existing hashtags for inspiration, and promoting your hashtag, you are well on your way to ensuring your next virtual event is high-quality. You can easily achieve this hashtag and social media marketing if you choose for a virtual event platform

Hashtags play an important role in expanding the reach and adding a little bit of personality to your pictures and posts on social media. You can use Facetune’s selfie hashtags guide to find the perfect option or come up with one of your own.

However, in addition to helping your selfie get more reach and add context to the photo, hashtags can often be a brilliant tool when it comes to organizing virtual events. There are several different reasons why they are important.

Using a hashtag can also keep attendees and interested individuals in the loop about your event. They can also help you keep up with trends, and makes it easy to find all event-related content in a single place.

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Unfortunately, many companies and businesses have failed with their hashtag usage. With that in mind, this article is going to go over some hashtag-related tips and best practices when it comes to organizing and putting on your virtual event.

Peruse Existing Hashtags for Inspiration

Before you try to choose your own hashtag, it is a good idea to refer to other hashtags for inspiration. Don’t hesitate to check out the event hashtags that other organizers have used in the past. See the types of content they posted with the hashtag, and see how they encouraged others to use it.

event hashtags

Of course, never steal a hashtag from another organization or event, but using theirs as inspiration or as a starting point is often okay. Also, be sure to use hashtags for general event organization information and tips as well. 

Simply searching hashtags such as #eventplanning, #virtualevents, #events, #eventmarketing, and several others can often provide you with links to great resources or tips from professionals in your space.

Feel free to join in the conversations as well, as hashtags are meant for collaborating and communicating with others.

Choose the Right Hashtag for Your Virtual Event

Once you have looked around and seen what's out there, choosing the hashtag for your event is the next thing to consider. A lot goes into choosing the right type of hashtag for your event, and there are a few guidelines you should look to follow. First of all, the hashtag should be unique.

Choose the Right Hashtag for Your Virtual Event

If another group is using the same hashtag, or it has another meaning, using it for your event is not a good idea. 

The conversation will get muddled up and too crowded with unrelated information if the hashtag is too broad or has already been used. Next, you want to make sure that your hashtag is short.

If your hashtag has too many characters, it increases the likelihood that someone will either mess it up or simply not want to type it all out. 

Also, the shorter the hashtag, the more space people will have to share their experiences or thoughts. The hashtag you use should also be memorable. It should be something catchy and fun that people will not simply forget about the second they are done with your virtual event. 

Promote Your Hashtags Wherever You Can

Once you have chosen the hashtag, it’s time to promote it and make sure people know about it. It should be used in relevant posts you make, used in promotional material and even mentioned during the event itself.

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Your goal is to get as many people knowing about and participating in the hashtag as possible.

Promote Your Event Hashtags

Of course, don’t shove it down people’s throats. But be sure that everyone interested in your event knows that the hashtag is a great source to learn more about the event and communicate with other like-minded individuals.

You could also utilize an event feed on screen during the event for showing off tweets and Instagram posts that are using the hashtag to encourage more people to use them. Of course, be sure to vet the posts before posting them to ensure they are relevant and appropriate.

Hashtags Can Help Take Your Virtual Event to the Next Level!! 

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Ashley Lipman

Ashley Lipman is an award-winning writer at <a rel="nofollow" href="https://Studyclerk.com"> Studyclerk</a> who discovered her passion for providing knowledge to readers worldwide on topics closest to her heart - all things digital. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches touching the digital sphere.

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