"Thank You For Attending" Webinar Email - Webinar platform Hubilo Webinar+ www.hubilo.com

"Thank You For Attending" Webinar Emails and Templates

Discover the significance of post-webinar thank-you emails and how they can nurture leads and boost ROI. Explore templates, tips, and strategies to create engaging follow-up messages that foster connections and drive conversions.
July 14, 2023

Webinars nurture and convert leads effectively, making them one of the best business tools. Businesses often employ various lead magnets and offer to entice prospective customers to join a webinar. 64% of B2B marketers hosted a webinar in the last 12 months. However, many companies must pay more attention to following up with participants through webinar follow-up emails. A post-webinar email allows you to express gratitude to attendees, provides them with the necessary next steps, and guides them further along the sales cycle. 

Companies can effectively engage potential or existing customers through webinars. However, one aspect that often goes unnoticed is the importance of sending a follow-up message after the webinar concludes. Creating these messages can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can go beyond a simple "thank you" and establish a genuine connection with your audience. This blog will outline the precise process for crafting a 'thank you for attending our webinar' email and some templates that maximize webinar ROI and transforms participants into valuable customers.

Why write a post-webinar thank-you email

Many individuals neglect the significance of sending a "thank you" follow-up email expressing gratitude after conducting a webinar. However, it is crucial to recognize that follow-up messages play a vital role in demonstrating your business's care for customers and their opinions. By sending these messages, you add a personal touch and establish a strong connection between your business and its customer base. Despite the reluctance of many marketers to invest additional time after completing a one or 2-hour webinar, it is essential to recognize the value of follow-up communication with participants. 47% of webinar views come within ten days after the event. Failing to send a post-webinar 'thank you' email means missing out on an opportunity to maximize webinar return on investment (ROI) and capture the generated demand effectively. Writing a post-webinar email is crucial for several reasons. 

Expressing gratitude to webinar participants

A post-webinar email serves as a seamless continuation of the webinar discussion. When there is a significant time gap before following up with participants, it can come across as forced and unnatural. Thank attendees for their presence and active participation, demonstrating your appreciation for their time and interest. Sending a prompt thank you email is an excellent way to express gratitude to participants and further nurture the relationship.

Providing actionable next steps

Providing webinar participants with clear next steps is crucial. It is common for attendees to need to remember the webinar within a few days. A post-webinar email presents an opportunity to guide participants and assist them in taking the necessary actions for their business. You must contact them after the webinar to ensure they will take your desired steps. Offer clear instructions or suggestions that align with the webinar's content, empowering attendees to take the desired actions and apply the knowledge gained.

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

Nurturing participants in the sales cycle

Leverage post-webinar emails as a valuable medium to offer additional value and guide customers to lead webinar participants further down your sales cycle. Within these emails, consider including resources such as ebooks, other webinars, consultation calls, or specific products tailored to address their needs. By providing more value to your customers, you establish trust and create opportunities to close a sale, leading them further down your sales cycle.

Maximizing webinar ROI

Increasing webinar ROI becomes more achievable with post-webinar emails as they offer a cost-effective strategy. By incorporating a compelling webinar call-to-action (CTA) in your email, you can boost conversion rates and generate additional revenue from each webinar. 62% of webinar attendees request a demo from sales after the webinar. The beauty of this approach lies in its affordability, as sending email costs only cents or a fraction of a cent while potentially yielding thousands of dollars in returns for your business.

Maximizing webinar ROI with post webinar thank you email

Components of a post-webinar "thank you for attending" email

Understanding the critical elements of crafting a post-webinar "thank you for attending" email is essential. These components include:

  • Subject line: The subject line serves as the initial engagement point for webinar participants. It should be captivating and entice recipients to open the email.
  • Introduction: The introduction sets the tone of the email and provides an opportunity to express gratitude toward webinar participants for attending.
  • Body: The body of the email contains the primary content. It serves as a platform to provide participants with clear next steps, guiding them further along your sales cycle and offering valuable information or resources.
  • Call to action (CTA): After reading the email, the call to action specifies the desired action you want participants to take. It can range from downloading an ebook, signing up for another webinar, scheduling a consultation call, or any other relevant action aligned with your goals. Following up a webinar with additional resources increases the likelihood of webinar attendees converting by 60 times
  • Webinar recording (optional): Including the webinar recording in the email can be beneficial, allowing participants to revisit or share the content with others who may have missed the webinar.
Download Hubilo's Essential Guide to Repurposing Webinar Content

Steps to writing the "Thank you for attending" webinar email

Begin by drafting your initial email copy: The first step involves writing your Thank you for attending the webinar email. It includes crafting the subject line, the body of the email, and the call to action. Remember that post-webinar emails are typically concise, ranging from 150 to 250 words. Once you have created a few drafts, choose the best 2-3 versions.

drafting your initial webinar email copy

Develop an enticing offer: Once your draft is ready, brainstorm an offer you can present to your webinar participants. The offer should align with the desired action you want them to take. Consider options such as offering a product trial, scheduling a call, or discounting your products or services. The key is to create an offer that delivers value to your participants. It doesn't have to be complex; even a simple free trial or discount can be effective.

'Thank you for attending the webinar' templates

Once you have your email drafts and offer ready, it's time to create templates to send out to your email list. These templates serve as a foundation for your emails, allowing you to personalize them by adding specific details about your webinar.

Thank you for attending the webinar template 1: Feedback opportunity

Subject line: Thank you for attending our webinar on {Webinar Topic}
Hello {First Name},

Thanks for attending our webinar, "[Title of Webinar]." We hope you enjoyed it! 

You can access the slides and recording here. 

Our next webinar is on {}. We'd love for you to attend. 

We also invite you to fill out this survey to let us know what you think about the webinar and what topics we should cover in the future.

Thanks again,

{Your name}

Thank you for attending the webinar template 2: Webinar recording

Subject line: Thank you for attending our webinar on {Webinar Topic}
Hello {First Name},

Thanks for attending our webinar, "[Title of Webinar]." We had a great time, and we hope you did too. In case you missed anything, here is a recording that recaps everything we covered. Feel free to go back and review if you need to. 

Please feel free to pass these along to colleagues who may be interested. And, of course, feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thanks again,

{Your name}

Thank you for attending the webinar template 3: Attached document

Subject line: Thank you for attending our webinar on {Webinar Topic}
Hello {First Name},

Thank you for attending our recent webinar! We sincerely appreciate the time you took out of your day to join us. As a follow-up, we have attached a document summarizing the key points covered during the webinar. This resource will allow you to revisit and recap the valuable information at your convenience.

Click here to access the document.

Thanks again,

{Your name}

Thank you for attending the webinar template 4: Topic Summary

Subject line: Thank you for attending our webinar on {Webinar Topic}
Hello {First Name},
We are grateful for attending our recent webinar! Your presence and support were truly appreciated. As a follow-up, we would like to provide you with a summary of the key points covered during the session. Please find the overview below:

Intro: [Broad Topic]

Topic 1: [First topic with detail]

Topic 2: [Second topic with detail]

Conclusion: [Wrap it up + trends]

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at a future event with us.

Thanks again,

{Your name}

Thank you for attending the webinar template 5: Offers and discounts

Subject line: Thank you for attending our webinar on {Webinar Topic}
Hello {First Name},
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for attending our recent webinar. Your presence and support mean to us, and we genuinely appreciate your engagement.

As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer you a special thank-you gift. Please visit our [website/page] to explore [an article/something trending] that you will find valuable. Additionally, we are excited to provide you with a {discount}! Simply use the coupon code THANKYOU at checkout to enjoy this exclusive offer.

Thanks again for attending!

{Your name}

Bonus: 'Sorry, we missed you' webinar email template - All contacts who registered but didn't attend the webinar

Subject line: We missed you at our last webinar

Hello {First Name},

Our system says you couldn't attend our webinar today, "[Title of Webinar]." We are sorry we missed you!

You can access the slides and recording here if you are still interested.

Please pass these along to colleagues who may also be interested.


{Your name}

Tips to write a thank you email after a webinar

To write a compelling 'thank you for attending' email after a webinar, consider the following tips:

  • Segment your participants: Divide your participants into groups based on their attendance. It allows you to tailor your emails accordingly, such as sending replay videos to those who missed the webinar.
  • Add value: Ensure your email provides value by summarizing key points discussed, sharing additional relevant information, and including webinar recordings. It helps participants reinforce their learning and demonstrates your commitment to their success.
  • Craft a compelling subject line: Pay attention to your subject line, as it significantly influences the open rates of your emails. Make it engaging, concise, and reflective of the content within.
  • Utilize automation technology: Leverage tools like Hubilo to automate follow-up emails and eliminate repetitive typing. Create email templates and use form fields to personalize your messages efficiently, saving time and ensuring personalized communication.
 Leverage Hubilo to automate follow-up emails

"Thank You for attending" webinar email FAQs

1. Why is sending a "Thank You for Attending" webinar email important?

A "Thank You for Attending" webinar email is essential because it allows you to express gratitude to your attendees for their participation and engagement. It helps foster a positive relationship with your audience, reinforces their value, and encourages further engagement with your brand.

2. What to include in a "Thank You for Attending" webinar email?

In a "Thank You for Attending" webinar email, you should express your gratitude, acknowledge the attendee's participation, summarize key takeaways or highlights from the webinar, provide any additional resources or materials related to the webinar, and include a call to action for further engagement or next steps.

3. When to send a "Thank You for Attending" webinar email?

Send the "Thank You for Attending" webinar email within 24-48 hours after the webinar concludes. This timeframe ensures that the webinar is fresh in the attendees' minds and demonstrates your promptness in acknowledging their participation.

4. Can we personalize "Thank You for Attending" webinar emails?

Absolutely! Personalizing your "Thank You for Attending" webinar emails can significantly impact. Addressing attendees by name, referencing specific aspects of their participation or engagement during the webinar, and tailoring the content to their interests can create a more meaningful and personalized experience.

5. How to track the effectiveness of "Thank You for Attending" webinar emails?

To measure the effectiveness of your "Thank You for Attending" webinar emails, you can track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Utilize your email marketing tool's reporting and analytics features to gain insights into attendee engagement. Analyzing these metrics allows you to refine your webinar email strategy and optimize future follow-up communications.

Use Hubilo to create your participant list

Using Hubilo, you can streamline creating your participant list for sending post-webinar emails. Hosting your webinar with Hubilo provides valuable features and functionality that simplify managing your webinar operations directly from the dashboard.

When the webinar concludes, Hubilo offers detailed insights into the number of participants and their contact information. You can easily access and download this data, enabling you to generate your participant list within Hubilo quickly.

This readily available participant list allows you to segment your email list efficiently. Instead of manually sifting through your entire email list and creating a new segment based on webinar attendance, you can directly send your customized templates to those who attended the webinar. This streamlined approach saves you significant time and effort, eliminating the need for manual segmentation and ensuring your post-webinar emails reach the right audience promptly.

Boost event attendance and engagement with nudge emails

Powering up post-webinar thank-you emails with event technology

"Thank you" emails represent the crucial first step in driving the entire post-webinar experience for attendees. Implementing a solid email post-webinar thank-you emails strategy can significantly impact your webinar ROI. A well-defined post-webinar strategy will increase registration and attendance rates and, more importantly, drive conversions after the webinar. You can enhance the overall effectiveness of your post-webinar communication and maximize your webinar's impact. Regarding post-webinar emails, there is no one-size-fits-all rhythm or cadence. Each webinar is unique, and it's essential to tailor your follow-up strategy to your specific audience and webinar. Ensure that the conversation continues after the conclusion of the webinar. Seize the opportunity to engage your leads by sending a post-webinar thank-you email and guiding them through the sales funnel.

You can streamline the follow-up process even further by incorporating automation. However, staying focused on the basics is essential, such as maintaining direct communication and providing value through webinar replays and bonus materials. Leverage marketing automation using Hubilo Email Marketing Engine, a robust tool to craft customized emails that align with your brand. You can tailor your webinar communication to your preferences, from automated emails triggered by specific activities to fully customizable messages. Furthermore, hosting your webinar on the Hubilo platform will give you a seamless and interactive webinar experience. 

The Hubilo platform offers a range of features and capabilities to enhance your webinar events and engage your audience effectively. With the post-event phase in mind, the Hubilo Email Marketing Engine enables you to continue communication with your attendees. You can send personalized notes, express gratitude, and guide them toward your desired calls to action or next steps. Additionally, you can gather valuable feedback through survey forms, allowing you to gain insights into specific sessions or overall webinar experiences. By leveraging the critical metrics provided, such as open rates and click rates, you can assess the effectiveness of your email campaigns. This data empowers you to optimize your future webinar emails based on performance, ensuring continuous improvement and success. Request a demo to experience the full potential of the Hubilo webinar platform and Email Marketing Engine to elevate your event marketing campaigns and deliver personalized messages.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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